eighteen <3

522 14 2

***Spencer's POV***


Within eight months, Gideon was able to move Y/N from Quantico, Virginia to Seattle, Washington. Morgan stepped on the gas the second I rushed him to and showed him the live webcam feed of Gideon stabbing Y/N. Worry filled up inside of me. We arrive to the warehouse where he was keeping Y/N and Morgan busts down a wooden side door to create a distraction and take down Gideon with Rossi as Hotch and I break the latches and locks on the heavy, steel sliding door in the front. I look around the warehouse and spot Y/N laying on the ground, wincing in pain as blood quickly seeps out of her abdomen. I pull her into my arms and hold her tight. I continued to attempt to keep a conversation so I can keep her awake as much as I can. Tears fill up in the tear ducts in my eyes as I try to hold them back. Y/N told me she loved me and hearing it after eight months of not hearing it caused tears to quickly fall down my face. She attempted to say her goodbyes as well, but I kept repeating that it wasn't goodbye. After a little while, she froze. Her eyes stayed open, but her pupils were dialated and her body went cold. "I NEED A MEDIC!" I yelled at the top of my lungs before continuing, "Y/N, baby, stay with me. Listen to me, avoid the light!" trying to keep her alive. Hoping she could still hear me me.

When the Medics had arrived, Y/N still had a pulse. She seized and coded twice in the ambulance.

Soon, we arrived to the hospital. Seattle Grace Hospital. A female trauma surgeon met us at the ER entrance. Her badge pinned on her left coat pocket read "Dr. April Kepner".

"What do we got?" She asked.

"Y/N Y/L/N. Six stab wounds to the abdomen, injected with multiple vitals of narcotics, ligature marks - cuts, first degree burns, and bruising - on wrists and ankles from restraints - chains, rope, and zip ties. BP and Vitals are stable. Seized and Coded twice in the ambulance." I said, rapidly.

"Okay, get her to Trauma Room One." She says, rushing the Medics and ER nurses inside as she stays behind, "And who exactly are you?" She asks me.

I chuckle, "I'm Dr. Spencer Reid with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. That's Agent Y/N, my girlfriend. She also works for the Behavioral Analysis Unit. She was kidnapped, taken out of state, and torchered by the Unsub." I say with a nod.

"Jeez, I'm so sorry. This must be tough for you. I'll have an ER nurse show you to the waiting room" Dr. Kepner says as we both rapidly rushed inside.

I anxiously waited in the waiting room for four hours and thirty seven minutes, constantly checking the time and wandering around, getting updates from a nurse in the trauma room with Y/N every thirty minutes.

Finally, Dr. Kepner came out with a smile, "She made it and she's breathing on her own. She's also talking a bit, but I don't wanna strain her voice too much."

Tears start filling up in my eyes. She made it. Thank God.

We walked to the room, me doing my little ADHD nose scrunches and impatiently bouncing and shaking.

-present day-

We finally arrive to Y/N's room in the ICU. I see Y/N awake, gazing around the room. She looks amazing as usual. We walk inside, Dr. Kepner walking in first.

"Y/N, you have a visitor!" Dr. Kepner says with a bright smile.

I walk inside. I see a huge, bright but blushing smile come across Y/N's face.

"Well, I'll give you both some space." Dr. Kepner says with a slight giggle before leaving the room.

I smile at Y/N and she smiles back. I want to start talking, but I start feeling an itch in my upper arm.

Itching. The side effect of withdrawal from Dilaudid. Shit.

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