twelve <3

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**Spencer's POV**

I have finally met Y/N's mom and younger sister, Zoe. Her mom is sweet and her sister is super hyper and excited to have us both at the house.

Y/N's mom offered that I stay in the guest room but Y/N cut her off and said that I could stay in her room...I wonder deeply if that meant anything. We had a lot of moments earlier in the day. While we were rock skipping, things got personal and she really trusted me. When we were in the car in the driveway, about to come in the house, we had a comforting moment where I placed my hand on her thigh, and she didn't move it, she just smiled and accepted it being there. We had another moment where we held hands and locked eyes before walking in. I wonder if any of these were hints she was dropping.

We settle in her room, I unpack a few things I brought as she hops in the shower. She has a modern day room with her own bathroom. When she gets out of the shower, she sits in the chair at the vanity and does her hair.

"Are you sure it's okay that I sleep in here tonight. I could go in the guest room if you feel more comfortable with that.." I say.

"Spence, I am more than okay with sharing a bed with you. I snuggle next to you on the jet, and we slept in the same bed last night. You make me feel safe. I enjoy the presence of you there. It gives me comfort." She says with a blushing smile. That adorable smile.

"Okay, good. I like being like your protector." I say while laughing.

She giggles and throws a throw pillow at me. We have a pillow fight as I grab her and begin to tickle her. Y/N sits up, trying to resist me tickling. We're sitting across of each other on her bed as our eyes meet. They lock in place. My heart is beating. All of a sudden I jump up and open my mouth. I'm confessing my love for her...finally.

"I like you. I have liked you since the minute you walked into the doors of the BAU. You captured my eyes and I knew I had to be the one that you liked or loved or caught feelings for. I even made sure that Derek knew to back off. And I want to be the one you think of when you go to bed, and the one you wake up to. And I want to be the one you kiss, and the one you tell Garcia, JJ, and Emily about. I want to be the one you eventually marry and eventually think of having kids with. And I want to grow old with you. I want a future with you. Because Y/N, I like you. I might even love you. You are the girl of my dreams. The girl I want to be with." I blurt out.

Y/N blushes with tears in her eyes. Their happy tears, I think. I hope. All of a sudden, she jumps up off of the bed as well.

"Spencer Reid, I like you too. I think about you all the time. I talk about you to Penny, JJ, and Em all the time. Hell, I even talk about you to Zoe and my mom. When I visit my dad's grave, I talk about you. You are the only guy on my mind right now. Even Hotch is rooting for us to get together! I see a future with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be the guy I continue waking up in bed to, that's why I told my mom you were sleeping in here! If you were Morgan, I would've sent you straight to the guest room. But your you! Your Spence! The boy of my dreams! I knew I would catch feelings for you ever since Emily first mentioned you. And I fell hard the second I met you at the BAU. And I like you alot. I might even love you too! You are the love of my life right now." She says wiping tears away from her cheeks while smiling and giggling.

I feel tears form in my eyes. She loves me... Damn! She loves me!

She jumps in my arms, giving me a hug. I have a huge smile on my face. All of a sudden, our eyes meet and we lock eyes again.

"Be my girlfriend Y/N." I say.

"I wouldn't even dare to say no" She says giggling.

Without hesitation, I initiate the first kiss. I press my lips against her soft lips, the taste of sugar cookie against mine. Her soft, fuzzy sweater sleeves wrapped around my neck as she puts her hands in my hair. Her pajama pants with pumpkins on them wrapped around my waist. Her scent of Vanilla Bean perfume and Coconut shampoo fill the air.

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