thirty seven <3

293 10 2

*y/n's pov*

Spence and I have been in protective custody at the BAU for three weeks now, and let me just say, i miss my bed. I want to be able to sleep in Spence's arms without Derek walking in every morning and breaking into the office we're staying in.


"Good Morning!" Morgan yells, knocking down the office door and startling Spence and I out of our sleep.

"What the hell! You scared us!" I exclaim, attempting to catch my breath after my heart attack scare.

"You do notice this is the Behavioral Analysis Unit private property, not an unsub's house or hideout have to pay to replace the door or it's coming out your paycheck." Spence says with a slight grin as he rubs his eyes, attempting to wake himself up.

Derek rolls his eyes in dismissal to what Spence just said, taking a seat on the chair on the other side of the room.

"So, how did you two lovebirds sleep?" Derek asks, grinning.

"Very, very well." Spence says, doing the cute lil thing where he presses his lips together and nods his head a little.

"Oooo, pretty boy got laid." Derek says as Spence smiles.

I punch Spence in the arm as he winces a tiny bit.

"Hey! What was that for?" Spence exclaims, rubbing his upper bicep.

"Knock it off! We don't need agent schlong over here..." I say, turning to Derek and giving him a glare, "profiling our entire relationship and telling Emily whether or not we slept together while in an office in the BAU!"

"Oh yeah! You are totally right. I'm so sorry Y/N" Spence says as I get up, off the pull-out couch.

"It's all good. Maybe let's just not get referrals for creating a 'hostile work environment'" I say with a giggle.

I rub Spence's hair, messing it up a bit as Spence tries to dodge my hand. He looks up at me from where he's laying, eyes longingly looking into mine. He probs himself up in bed and leans in, giving me a long, passionate kiss as Derek howls and whistles in the background, cheering him on.

I start to head out the room to go meet up with Emily as I hear Spence and Derek's morning conversation begin.

"So did you get laid last night?" Derek asks with a chuckle.

"I'll tell you once she's gone." Spence whispers back.

I grin to myself. Spence and Derek are the two most amazing guys, and they both have this amazing friendship that no one could ever compare to. It's honestly the most cutest thing ever.

"I heard that!" I giggle, walking out of the room, closing the door behind me.

-present day-

We have gotten pretty far in the case so far and I'm super proud of the team for it. We have found out that my dad's killer escaped from jail, and he's coming after Spence and I because he heard about the family we're starting. He has also targeted my mom and Zoe, but they're in full-on lockdown surveillance with higher legal powers.


The phone in my office begins to ring suddenly as I examine the number, trying to figure out who it is...


What the hell? How does she have her phone? They're supposed to take all electronic devices away from her when she's under full-on lockdown surveillance.

Worry begins to build up in my body as I go through every possible scenario in my head. I get dizzy as the room starts spinning and my head starts hurting - making me feel super lightheaded.

Spence walks into the room with JJ.

"Y/N...Y/N what's wrong...?" He asks, carefully approaching me.

I shake my head, "Zoe is calling me..."

Spence's jaw drops, knowing what it could possibly mean.

"Get Hotch and tell him we have a DK-12 on line 4" I instruct to JJ, as Spence pulls me in closer for comfort.

"What's a DK-12?" Spence asks.

"DK stands for Dad Killer, 12 is how old I was when he killed my dad." I explain, "Hotch and I came up with the code name in case the killer was let out of jail early - on like house arrest or like probation - or in case he escaped, in which he did."

Spence nods in understanding, giving me a tight hug as his phone begins to vibrate.

I read the text over his shoulder as he adjusts his camera screen towards me a bit.

Aaron Hotchner : Garcia and I are ready and pinging the location right now. Tell Y/N that it's time to face her fears and inner demons and pick up the phone to distract him so we can get an address.

I follow Hotch's instructions and pick up the phone as the other line connects.


"Is this Agent Y/N L/N?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

I hear muffling in the background before I hear Zoe.

"Y/N, I love you. And I will always love you. And before I get the chance to see you be happy with a boy who loves your dorkiness, I'll probably be dead. So please, marry Spencer already. Have the kid, let him propose over time, and don't fuck this up. Please." She says as I hear her let out a sob, "Remember, sunny days in the uptown ranch are the best... I love you."

The line quickly disconnects as the dial tone clicks. Tears roll down my cheeks rapidly.

"No- H-He can't- He can't kill them Spence... T-They're the only family I-I have left. I-If they d-die, I d-die." I sob.

"They'll be okay. I promise they will. We will save them." Spence says in a reassuring tone.

I nod along as Spence gazes off for a quick minute. His gaze goes bright, as if a light switch went off in his mind.

"What did Zoe mean by 'Remember, sunny days in the uptown ranch are the best.'" He asks, looking at me and examining closely, searching my face for a readable expression.

"It's the ranch my dad took us to when we were younger, especially if it was a super sunny day." I explain as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay" Spence asks, coming closer to me, and placing his hands on my cheeks.

Spence leans in, kissing me on the forehead and gently wiping my tears.

"I know where it's located, her dad used to invite Rossi and I there for family barbecues. Let's go." Hotch says from the doorway, slightly startling Spence and I.

I quickly wipe my tears and fix the smudged makeup under my eye before leaving my office to talk to the rest of the team.

I can't let the rest of the team to see me falling apart.

"Show no fear." As a wise man named Aaron Hotchner once said to me.

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