thirty three <3

354 7 2

*y/n's pov*

I look in the mirror and put my hair in two dutch braids as Spence is buttoning his shirt next to me.

"Wow. That was amazing." He says.

"Yeah." I agree.

But what did it mean? I mean we both know we don't work out together as a couple, but we both still have feelings? Sex buddies? No. That's not like Spence and I. What could it-

My thoughts are interrupted by a sudden knock on the bathroom door. Spence and I immediately flash sudden fearful looks to eachother.


"What the hell do we do?" I whisper to him, trying to be as quiet as possible so whoever is standing outside the door doesn't hear me.

My phone starts to buzz.

Derek Morgan : It's just me Pretty Lady. I know you go Pretty Boy in there with you.

Relief comes over my body. It's just Derek. Phew.

Me : Derek, I can explain....

Derek Morgan : No need to explain. It's always been "Reid and Y/N". Plus we work as just friends. I was just a pawn to make Reid jealous and to be a one night thing. It's no big deal.

I start to feel bad. Was Derek catching feelings for me?

"Who was it?" Spence asks, coming closer to me, placing his hand on my side.

I flinch and pull away quickly, "It was just Derek." I say, becoming anxious.

"Just Derek...?" Spence asks, closely examining my facial expressions.

"Yeah. Just Derek." I say, turning away from him to face the mirror.

I begin to fix my smudged lipstick as Spence approaches me.

"Y/N. What's going on?" He asks.

"Nothing. I-It's..." I pause, looking at Spence as his facial expression has a sudden change - I can't read the emotion that he's feeling.

"Y/N, what is it?" He asks again, in a calm and solemn voice.

"It's nothing. Nevermind. Let's just get back to our seats before any other team members catch us." I say, quickly opening the bathroom door.

I rush out as I notice the entire team sitting up, awake in their seats.

Shit. This is just great. First, I'm screwing my ex in the bathroom of a jet. Second, Derek might have feelings for me. And now third, the entire team is awake and Spence and I are caught.

I look down at the ground, quietly doing the walk of shame all the way down my seat, fixing my shirt as Spence follows me down the aisle.

I sit down next to Morgan as Reid sits across from us, seating next to JJ. JJ and Morgan look at the both of us as we just shake our heads and ignore any chance of talking about it.

I quickly pull out my phone and text Spence at the speed of lighting, even though he's sitting right in front of me.

Me : Please tell me that your feeling as embarrassed as I am right now.

Spencer Reid : Yes. Yes I am. Statistically you could say I'm even more embarrassed because I'm the one who engaged the entire "sex scandal" between us just now.

Me : No, technically you didn't. I did.

Spencer Reid : Statistics state that "technically" wouldn't be used in that phrase because we're not using technological devices to explain the concept of what just happened...but I understand where your going with this.

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