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*y/n's pov*

I wake up to Zoe laying on the couch in my room, giggling to a cartoon.

"Hey kid, where's uh...Spence." I ask.

"You know you can call him my dad, right? I'm more than okay with it. I'd love to call him it. Plus, y'all are adopting me and I don't want to confuse the little ones." She says, stuffing her face with popcorn.

"Okay. Then where's your dad?" I ask.

"He's...uh...we should wait for Emily or Hotch, they'll explain." She says hesitantly.

Immediately, the instinct kicks in for me to begin profiling her - okay kid, what's going on in that mind.

I subtly look at her, examining her closely. There's nothing suspicious based on her movements that'll help my profile. She's calm, no jittering. Shit. This isn't going to work.

Y/N catches my long gaze mid thought and begins to giggle.

"You know profiling isn't going to work on me right?" She says with a smile.

"Damn it! How'd you know?" I ask.

She begins to list multiple different ways, counting on her fingers, "One, your staring at me with your profiling eyes. Two, your playing with the hospital band on your wrist and everytime your profiling you usually play with your charm bracelets on your wrists - which you don't have on right now. And lastly, you know something is up... I just won't tell you."

"Damn, your good." I say as she stands up, reaching for my high five.

Hotch and Emily walk into the room.

"Did you tell her?" Hotch asks Zoe sternly.

"No sir. She asked, but I kept calm so she couldn't profile me - just like you said." She says with a nod.

"Good Job Zoe." He says as a rare smile comes across his face, giving Zoe a fist bump.

"Y/N... are you sure your mentally prepared for what your about to hear?" Emily asks me, subtly.

"Yes. Don't worry about me. I can handle it, just tell me." I say, nodding my head.

"Okay." Emily says, turning to Hotch.

Hotch steps closer to me, sitting on the corner of my bed as I scoot over to make more room for him.

"Reid had a heart attack earlier and started seizing. Earlier in the day, your baby boy - I'm not sure what you and Spence named him yet--" He says as I cut him off.

"We never got a chance to name him... The doctors rushed him out of the room so fast." I explain as tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Y/N..." Emily says as Hotch nods along in agreement.

"Thank you. Please Aaron, continue." I say, turning to him in worry, wanting to know everything that happened with Spence.

"As I was saying, Reid had suffered a severe heart attack and multiple grand seizures. The doctors say it was all caused by the stress put on him. Earlier this morning, when your baby boy was born, Reid came to tell the team the news, but he wasn't as happy as he was when your baby girl was born. He was worried and his entire body was shaking. He explained the situation with your baby boy. In the midst of talking with the team, the true feelings hit Reid like a rock - it caused him to collapse to his knees on the floor. Morgan pulled him in, giving him a hug, and calming him down. He stood up to talk to Zoe, going to give her a comfort hug because he saw she didn't take the news well. He approached her, but in the midst of that, he collapsed to the floor, hitting his head on a nearby crash cart on the way down..." Hotch says, pausing to examine my face.

He places both of his thumbs on my cheeks, "He's okay Y/N. He just got out of surgery. He suffered a blunt force trauma to the back of his head, causing a brain bleed, but both of the Dr. Shepherd's and Dr. Lexie Grey were able to take care of him and stop the bleeding. His heart has a slight tear, but Dr. Yang patched it up real quick. He also had an ulcer in stomach and flamed appendix, but of course, Dr. Meredith Grey patched it up with Dr. Bailey and Dr. Webber."

Tears slowly roll down my cheeks as Hotch slowly wipes them away.

"That's a lot of surgeons..." I say.

"I know it is, but he is okay. He'll be okay." Hotch says in reassurance.

"Everyone made sure to take great care of him Y/N. Hell, you and Spencer have so many privileges in this hospital that they're transferring the both of you to the VIP Wing of the hospital since your both SSA's and since your both considered family to the entire hospital. Lexie even convinced Mark Sloan to do a slight plastic surgery behind Spencer's ear to hid the cut and reattach a bit of the ear!" Emily says, trying to lighten the mood.

I let out a stiffled giggle, "Oh thank God he's okay. I really can't imagine what I would've done without him. I love him, I want to marry him one day. That's why I got so upset when he didn't say I love you back."

"The only reason why I didn't say I love you back is because I wanted to say that I love you, but I love our three sweet angels more. Our kids are my number one priority, just like they are to you..." A familiar voice says.

"SPENCE!" I exclaim, spotting him sitting in a wheelchair in the doorway with Garcia standing behind him.

"Hey there Stranger..." He says, carefully getting out of the wheelchair.

"I love you. Don't ever pull a stunt on me like that again." I say, pulling him in tight as tears flow down my cheeks.

"I love you too Y/N. And I promise, I'll be more careful next time." He says back, pulling me in tighter.

The rest of the team comes in behind Spence and Penelope.

"How long have I been passed out?" I ask, looking at the clock.

"Well, it's November 1st, 2:59PM and you knocked out after our baby boy was it's been about a whole 36 Hours. I don't know, my head is still a bit foggy - I don't feel like doing the statistics right now." He says as the entire team bursts out into laughter, even Hotch does.

"Damn." I say, shaking my head.

"If it makes you feel any better, your baby boy is a fucking champ. He's so much more stronger than he was yesterday." Derek says reassuringly.

"When can I see my babies?" I ask as Lexie walks in.

"Dr. Bailey sent me in here to let you know that you and Spence can have the babies in the VIP Wing hospital room with you - so as soon as you get transferred, you can see your adorable babies and finally name them." Lexie says, writing things down in my chart.

Thank God. I can't wait to start arguing with Spence over baby names and hearing Zoe's and the team's suggestions.

Hopefully, Derek doesn't start making bets with Emily over which name will win.

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