thirty five <3

338 12 1

*y/n's pov*

I put on a dark red, slim waisted, maternity dress. I try to match it with heels, but heels while pregnant? Yeah, that's a no go - instead I pair it with some simple black flats. I go across the room and sit at the vanity. It was handmade by the boys of the BAU while us girls laughed and drank loads of wine. I wanted to buy a vanity but Spence insisted that Morgan, Hotch, and Rossi help make a homemade one so it was a special housewarming thing.


"You're here!" I squeal as Emily comes through the gate to the backyard, "Wait, how'd you get in? The gate is heavy surveillance."

"Your mom gave Hotch the code and so we basically just broke in." Emily giggles.

"Typical." I giggle, walking over to the pool house with Emily by my side.

The pool house overlooks everything that comes with the house - the in ground pool, the lake view, the gazebo, the barbecue Spence and Morgan just finished setting up, the basketball court, the huge field with a trampoline and swing set that Spence insisted we get, and of course the house. The house has three floors - the first floor (upstairs) with a nursery, an extra bedroom and bathroom, family room, and the master bedroom and bathroom. The main floor has the dining area, kitchen, living room, and an extra bathroom. The downstairs has an arcade room, movie theater room, storage, snack bar, two spare bedrooms and bathrooms.

I feel Emily nudge at my arm with a hysterical laugh.

"Look at how dorky Spencer looks while reading those instructions. How many statistics do you think he's gonna tell Morgan while they build that?" Emily laughs, sipping wine.

"Enough to drive Derek insane." I laugh, looking up and gazing at Spence as Derek pushes him, tackling him down.

Emily and I look at each other and smile before getting up and approaching Derek and Spence.

"Oh...uh hi there. We're just stacking some wood." Spence says as we all burst into sudden laughter.

-present day-

"Wow...y-you look amazing." Spence says with a smile in the reflection of the vanity mirror.

I turn around in my chair, looking at him with a blushed smile as he approaches me closer.

"You ready to go?" He asks, putting his arm out for me to interlock mine.

I smile and nod, interlocking my arm with his as he escorts me down the stairs and into the garage to the car.

Spence puts a CD into the radio as music strums through the speakers.

"Love me. Love me. Say that you love me." Spence sings with a huge smile, looking over at me to take over the next line.

I giggle and proceed to sing along, "Fool me. Fool me. Go on and fool me."

Spence winks at me as we both begin to giggle a whole bunch.

"Oh my gosh. I love you so, so, so much Y/N." Spence says.

This entire thing takes me off guard entirely, as I squeal and turn to him.

"I-I love you too." I say, smiling as we pull into the restaurant parking lot.

Spence came up with the idea to have a team dinner to celebrate the pregnancy and to celebrate us finally being okay.

Spence gets out of the car, running to my side, opening my car door.

"M'lady..." He says, putting out his hand for me to grab as we walk in.

"Good Evening! Table for eight under the name of Dr. Spencer Reid." Spence says with a smile.

"Right this way sir..." The man says as we follow him across the restaurant, noticing that Derek is already sitting at the table with another lady.

"Oh my gosh! Sav!? Is that you!?" I squeal in excitement.

Sav. Savannah. Derek's ex girlfriend, one of my bestfriends.

"Hi Y/N!" She says, pulling me into a hug.

" two broke up. And now she's here, but I don't remember if Spence invited her. I thought this was a team only dinner with a plus one for people with significant others." I say.

Derek chuckles and smiles, as Spence pulls out a chair for me to sit before going on and sitting down in a chair next to me.

"Wait..." I say, glancing back and forth between Derek and Sav.

Sav smiles as Derek lets out another chuckle. Oh my gosh!

"Oh my gosh! Are you two..." I ask before getting cut off by Derek.

"Well it took you long enough Pretty Lady. You need to up those profiling skills. You got more skills than that! We all know that!" Derek teases.

"Oh shut up" You say with a giggle as you punch him in the arm.

The night continues on, as more and more team members come to the restaurant to celebrate. By 9:30pm, the entire crew is there - Derek, Sav, Emily, Hotch, Garcia, JJ, Will, Spence, and of course you.

The night winds down as you and Spence head home for the night. You drive down the blank and empty road, listening to 'the night we met' on the radio. A tear rolls down your cheek but you quickly wipe it away so Spence doesn't realize.

Suddenly, as you near home, 'dancing on my own' comes on the radio. All of the memories of you and Spence rush back into your mind as you gaze out of the window.

Tears begin to roll down your cheek as you accidentally let out a sniffle. Spence turns towards you, noticing your tears.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" He asks with a low, concerned, sympathetic tone.

"I'm just thinking about how we're about to have two kids and instead of being happy and loving eachother, it gets so awkward. How are we going to celebrate Halloween with the kids? How are we going to celebrate birthdays with the kids? How are we supposed to show the kids what love is if we can't even love eachother?" I say, as more tears flood my eyes.

"I know Y/N. I know. It's hard, but we'll figure it out...together." He says, placing my hand on mine.

"Yeah, if you say so..." I say, gazing out of the window as we pull into the driveway.

Spence gets out of the car awkwardly, walking up the pavement that leads to the house.

I sit in the car for an extra moment, thinking to myself for a minute. I quickly rummae through my purse and grab my phone and turn on the song electric love and run up the pavement, catching up to Spence's walking speed.

I grab his arm and twist him around, placing my hands softly on his cheeks. I lean him in, kissing him passionately as the bass of electric love drops. The kiss gets heavier as Spence unlocks the house door. I can feel sparks flying and my heart beating out of my chest. I giggle, throwing my purse on the floor next to the kitchen island as Spence puts his keys away. I jump into his arms as we head up the stairs, heading into the bedroom. We get into bed, the kiss getting heavier and heavier as I button Spence's shirt.

In the spur of the moment, all I can feel is Spence's soft lips and touch.

This is all I want. I want to be with Spence.

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