fourty two <3

277 8 2

*spence's pov*

We get in the OR as I sit by Y/N's side, holding her hand and kissing her forehead.

The first baby is a delivered naturally with no issues. They were able to get her out without any issues. Y/N smiles as she sees them carry her over to the other table in the room, the nurses cleaning her off.

"We have a baby girl." She says smiling.

"When we see her, she'll be as beautiful as her momma." I say, kissing her forehead.

During the waiting period between babies, I leave the OR and head to the waiting room. When I get to the waiting room, I'm welcomed by Garcia, Hotch, Emily, and Zoe as Morgan, JJ, and Rossi also join after coming back from the coffee cart.

They all look at me with longing eyes as I hold up the suspense about the news. I finally decide it's time to cut off the suspense with a smile and slight chuckle.

"IT'S A GIRL!" I say, flinging open my arms with excitement.

The entire team cheers as Zoe smiles, "I get a baby sister?" She asks with a smile.

"Yes!" I take a slight pause, "But that's not the only sibling you'll be getting..." I say as a bright, blushed smile comes across her face.

"Congratulations Kid." Rossi says, pulling me into a hug.

"Pretty Boy is finally a dad..." Morgan says, chuckling a ton.

"Can you imagine that? Spencer as a dad?" JJ says.

"I'll keep you guys updated on how good of a dad he is." Zoe says, giggling a ton as I pull her in, tickling her a ton.

"Alright Reid, It's time for you to get back in that room for your second child's birth before Y/N rips your head off for accidentally missing it." Emily chuckles.

Garcia shivers as the entire team laughs, "Congratulations Boy Genius!" She says.

I thank Garcia and head back into the OR as I sterilize myself.

I take a seat next to Y/N as she greets me with a smile, "It's time for the second baby. I've agreed to stay awake during the birth because I want to witness my child be born..." She says.

I nod in agreement and approval as Dr. Montgomery preps Y/N.

The scalpel slices into Y/N's abdomen slowly as she winces in pain.

I grasp her hand tighter, "It's okay. You got this." I say in encouragement.

"OWWW!" She screams in pain after feeling the scalpel slice into her uterus, squeezing my hand tighter and tighter every time she winces after feeling any bit of pain.

My body goes faint as Dr. Montgomery gets the second baby out - Y/N is in tears as the room begins to spin.

He doesn't cry. The doctors begin to rush around the room, quickly evacuating him out of the room.

"Get him incubated in the NICU STAT!" Dr. Montgomery calls out, "And page Arizona Robbins immediately! Tell her we have no time to waste."

"W-What-" Y/N mutters, fading in and out of consciousness.

"Dr. Montgomery..." I say, standing up as she turns around and looks at me.

"Spencer-" She begins to say as I cut her off.

"How bad is it?" I ask as tears begin to well up in my eyes.

"The umbilical cord wrapped around the baby boy's neck, choking him a bit. Y/N's uterus is hostile, therefore, one of the babies - the baby boy is a premature baby. He didn't stay in the womb to term, so he's struggling being out of it. There was a lot of bleeding. Your baby is in fetal distress, and it's not looking so well. We have Dr. Robbins coming to the NICU to take care of him and she's truly the best - try not to worry." Dr. Montgomery explains as I look back at Y/N.

"What will we do with her?" I ask.

"She'll be fading in and out of consciousness so don't worry about telling her right now. I don't know if your baby boy will make it to the morning alive..." She says as her voice fills with sorrow.

Dr. Montgomery walks out of the OR as nurses file in - cleaning up Y/N and wheeling her bed back to her room. I kiss Y/N's forehead as they pull her away.

The walk to the team is dreadful - What the hell do I tell them?

"There he is!" Rossi calls out as the rest of the team gets up, balancing onto their feet.

"Soooo..." Morgan says with a slight pause.

I hesitate, shaking my head, trying to hold back tears.

"Oh no. That's not a happy look." Emily says, glancing around to the team.

My knees begin to wobble, making me lose feeling in my legs. Losing my balance, I collapse to the floor, being pulled into a hug by Morgan.

"Reid, what is it? Talk to me." He says, rubbing my back in comfort.

"It's a boy..." I pause, "and the d-doctors don't think he'll make it to the morning." I let out a heavy sob as Morgan pulls me into a tighter hug.

I look up, balancing my gaze between the team, examining everyone's reactions.

Hotch has a fixated look in his eyes - a mix of sorrow and regret, Morgan is in a sympathetic state of mind - feeling bad that Y/N and I are in pain, Rossi is hugging Zoe tight as she lets out a sob, and the rest of the girls of the BAU - Emily, JJ, and Garcia - all have tears streaming down their faces.

Standing to my feet, I approach the team closer.

"Can I see her?" Zoe pauses, "Y/N I mean... C-Can I see her?" She asks with a sniffle.

"Y-Yes.." I pause as my ears begin to ring and the lights in the waiting room begin to fade into a shining white color, "J-Just give me one sec..."

I collapse to the floor, my body crashing on the floor suddenly. Hitting my head, I can hear a slight crack come from the bone placed behind my ear.

"Holy shit- SPENCE!" JJ exclaims, rushing over to me.

My body begins to shake uncontrollably, thumping up and down to a beat of four. Choking on aspirated saliva and vomit, I begin to wheeze in pain. The entire room begins to turn into a hazy cloud as I hear screams come from all different team members.

"Lexie, get her out of here!" Emily exclaims as Lexie grabs Zoe by the arm and pulls her aside.

"I NEED A GURNEY! SOMEBODY GIVE ME A DAMN GURNEY!" Morgan yells to random doctors.

"Spencer! Stay with me! Y/N needs you to stay alive." She says.

"Boy Wonder..." Garcia pauses, "Your kids needs you."

I begin to shake, a second round of seizures pulsating through my veins. Choking on aspirated vomit, my body begins to thump up and down, even harder than it was before.

"Get him on his side!" Hotch exclaims.

"Stay with us Kid. Help is on the way." Rossi whispers in my ear as Hotch, Morgan, and another male doctor lift me onto a gurney, pulling me onto a bed that was wheeled over.

"On my count..." The male doctor says, "1...2...3....LIFT!" He instructs.

"We got you. Stay with us." A female doctor says to me.

My consciousness fades away, a hazy cloud taking over my mind. My eyes turn puffy and numb - I'm not able to see clearly. I try to speak, the words scrambling in my throat as my vocal chords go sore. I follow the lights on the roof, all the way across the hospital as my sight goes pitch black - I'm not even able to manage seeing anything in my peripheral view.

Fuck. I need Y/N... I need her to know I love her before I die...

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