thirty six <3

308 9 2

*spence's pov*
-time lapse: three months later-

For the last three months, Y/N and I have been having a secret relationship that we haven't told the team about yet. No one has suspected anything yet because we have shot down every rumor possible, telling everyone that I have a new girlfriend and that Y/N is focusing on herself with the baby coming soon. We even had Y/N move out of the house temporarily so no one would suspect anything - she lives in a temporary apartment a half an hour away.


I groan, slowly rolling over to check my phone.

Aaron Hotchner : New case. More details soon. Briefing at the BAU in thirty minutes. Don't be late.

I turn to Y/N who's peacefully sleeping.

"Y/N, baby, there's a new case. You gotta get up." I say, quietly whispering in her ear.

She groans, turning away from me, "Five more minutes."

"C'mon. We got thirty minutes to be at work and Hotch doesn't want the team to be late." I say as her eyes quickly flutter open.

"Oh shit! I fell asleep here! Emily is supposed to pick me up for work!" She exclaims, springing out of bed.

"Oh no..." I say, knowing we're about to face major consequences.

"It's okay! No one has to find out! I can just call her or text her and let her know that I don't need a ride!" She says, quickly grasping out her phone.

"Okay. That'll probably work!" I say.

Y/N quickly calls Emily and puts her on speaker for me to hear as well.

"Hey Y/N! I was just about to call you and let you know that I am leaving the house right now." Emily says as the call connects.

"Don't come to my house!" Y/N exclaims in a panicked voice.

"Y/N what's wrong?" Emily asks.

"Nothing. I just- I wanna ride to work on my own today." Y/N explains.

"But the doctor said that you can't drive since your close to term." Emily says in a concerned voice.

"I- uh... I know that. I just- I got a second opinion yesterday and the other doctor agreed that I should drive myself to work." Y/N says, trying not to sound suspicious.

"Uh huh. Okay Y/N. I'll see you at work." Emily says, before hanging up the phone.

"Do you think she bought that?" Y/N asks with a relieved giggle.

"I think she did, but she might have her suspicions." I say with a chuckle.

Y/N and I get up and get ready rapidly so we don't run late for work. As Y/N and I get in the car, another car pulls into the driveway, blocking my way out.

Morgan gets out of his car and approaches mine as I slowly get out so he doesn't check it and notice Y/N ducking in the passenger seat.

Morgan comes close to my face, grabbing out a flashlight to check my pupils.

"Reid, have you been on Dilaudid recently?" he asks, holding my chin so I'll stop resisting his hand on my chin.

"What!? No!" I exclaim.

"Then where is Y/N?" he asks.

"I don't know!" I exclaim.

"Well she's not at her house and we got an anonymous tip at the BAU this morning saying you had an answer to the main question being asked around." Morgan says.

"What main question!?" I exclaim.

"Where is Y/N?" He says, pulling out handcuffs.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm sorry to do this, but you are a number one suspect Dr. Reid." Morgan says, turning me around and pushing my body up against his car to pat me down and handcuff me.

Morgan tells me my rights as he shoves me in the back of his car.

"Virginia State Police have asked that I bring you into questioning. This is now an active case and investigation and your the prime suspect." He says.

We drive off as I look back to see Y/N discretely following our car to the BAU.

-time lapse: at the bau-

"Good Morning everyone!" Y/N says with a smile as everyone turns shocked.

"Where the hell have you been!?" Emily exclaims, looking back at me.

"So you weren't lying when you said you didn't know where she is..." Morgan says.

"No, I wasn't Captain Obvious!" I yell.

The case is closed and we all sit down in the conference room to discuss things going on.

"Where are your credentials?" Hotch asks Y/N, noticing their missing.

She quickly flashes a look at me as we both remember that she left them on her nightstand this morning.

"I don't have them." She says.

"And where are they?" Hotch asks sternly as the entire time looks at Y/N.

"I kinda sorta left them at Reid's place last night." Y/N explains.

"So you did take her last night!" Morgan says, standing up, getting ready to beat my ass.

"No! It's not like that! I swear." I exclaim.

"What did he do to you?" Morgan asks Y/N as she blushes.

"Sit down Morgan. It's not like that. He didn't take me anywhere last night. I slept at his place because I'm dating him! I'm in love with Spence okay? The only people that just don't know that we're in love with eachother are me and Spence so can you just leave us be. Just because I'm not home one morning and I sound suspicious on the phone doesn't mean I was taken by an ex boyfriend. It means I'm hiding a relationship because I'm in love with my ex boyfriend and I'm trying to make it work for our baby inside of my stomach!" Y/N yells, "I left my credentials at his house because I slept there like a normal girlfriend would and I was rushed out this morning because Profilers never understand that people have lives! I love Spence. Your teammate that you people thought would be psycho enough to kidnap me and be on Dilaudid again? Yeah, him. I'm in love with Dr. Spencer Reid everyone."

"I-I love you too Y/N." I say as Y/N blushes.

"Both of you. My office. NOW!" Hotch yells, storming out of the conference room as Y/N and I follow.

He opens the door to his office as Y/N and I walk in.

"Sit down." He says with tension in his voice.

"Look Hotch. I know. I fucked her up before. Multiple times. But I really truly do love Y/N and she loves me too and statistics say that if we are able to stay in a private relationship, we'll be able to last longer..." I begin to ramble.

"Reid-" He says, cutting me off.

"Yeah?" I ask, clearing my throat.

"That's not why your here. I'm happy for you both, truly. The thing is, we received an anonymous tip stating that you knew where she was, which you did. Which could only mean one thing..." Hotch begins to explain.

"Oh no..." Y/N begins, "It can't be. We have a stalker!?" She asks in fright.

"Yes. But it's okay. He's not an offspring killer so it shouldn't worry us too much. Currently the only ones under fury are you and Reid so we will keep you in protective custody. You can help the BAU with the case but you cannot go back home." Hotch explains.

Great. First, we have a stalker and now we're going into protective custody.

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