seventeen <3

534 16 11

***Y/N's POV***

I wince in pain as Gideon lowers me. I'm bleeding out. He stabbed me six times and keeps feeding me sedatives and drugs. I don't know what to do, I've lost feeling everywhere in my body. Where is Spencer? Where is the team? Are they seriously not coming? Have they seriously forgotten about me? These thoughts ring throughout my mind. I can't handle what is going on anymore. I can feel myself losing consciousness by the second... Every single thing is getting louder and my vision is getting blurrier and darker. I wince in pain, trying to drag my body across the building to escape.

My eyes begin to close as the back door of the building busts down as the front sliding doors clang open and the locks break apart.

"Jason Gideon, this is Derek Morgan with the FBI. You are under arrest for the kidnapping, assault, and torture of Agent Y/L/N." Morgan yells from the back door.

YES! They're here.

I see a blurred shadow running in my direction. Spence. He got my hint.

"Y/N, baby, stay awake. Stay with me. Don't you give up on me." Reid says, tearing apart the zip ties that Gideon put in replacement for the chains and the rope so I struggle to get away.

"Spence... I- I didn't-" I struggle to say what I'm trying to say.

"Shhh baby, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it." Spencer says.

"I- I love you S-Spence-" I say, groggily.

"I love you too baby. Stay alive, stay with me. You'll be okay soon. Whatever you do, don't go into the light please baby. I need you." He says with tears rolling down his cheek.

"I- I'm trying. J-Just know that I-I love you, and I-I have a-always, always, always l-loved you from the bottom of m-my heart. Don't e-ever forget that Spence. I will always b-be here with you, n-no matter what." I say.

"No! This isn't goodbye. I love you. We're supposed to get married and have three or four kids and grow old together. You still haven't let me love you fully yet." Spencer says with more tears flowing out.

"I-I know beb. I-I love you." I say as everything start to go white.

"I NEED A MEDIC!" Spence yells, "Y/N, baby, stay with me. Listen to me, avoid the light!" Everything went white and cold.


"Dad? Is that you?" I say, looking at the male-like figure standing in the distance.

"Y/N..." My dad says.

"Dad... am I dying?" I say as tears fill the tear ducts in my eyes.

"Yes Y/N, you are. But you have a chance to live. It's not your time yet baby..." My dad says.

"I miss you dad..." I say.

"I know baby. I miss you too. But your young, you don't need to die yet, it's not your time yet." My dad says, touching my arm in comfort.

"I want to stay here with you..." I say.

"I know you do, but you have one hell of a boy waiting to love you on Earth. You don't want to leave him and break his heart." My dad says, nodding.

"I love you daddy." I say, giving my dad a hug.

"I love you too kiddo. Now go back to Spencer, Hotch, Your mom, Zoe, Emily, and the rest of the team. Go be loved, go get married, go have kids, go be a badass agent, go fight crime, go grow old with Spencer, go give your mom and Zoe a hug for me, and go live your life. It's not your time yet baby." My dad says as I nod and wipe my tears.

"Are you sure I can't just stay with you?" I ask as more tears roll down my cheeks.

"Spence told you to come back to him. Go back to him. He's one hell of a guy and he's throwing his life away to dilaudid for you. Go be his guardian angel and save his life and go let him love you. I'll wait for you, I'll wait for it to be your time. Don't worry about me kiddo, I'll be okay." My dad says giving me a tight hug as I nod and hug him back. I really don't want to let go, but I know he's right. It's not my time and Spencer is waiting for me...

'Whatever you do, stay out of the light. Avoid the light. Stay here with me.' All of the words Spence said to me rang through my mind.

My dad releases me from the tight hug.

"You, your mom and Zoe are so so so tough. Take care of them for me kid. I love you." He says, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you too dad." I say as I walk down a white hall with shadows.

"RUN LIKE THE WIND TO SPENCER. I LOVE YOU!" I listen to what my dad said and I begin to run down the hall.

-present day-


*sharp inhale* I take a deep breath. I look around scared. My vision is blurry and all I see is people in white clothes. I'm scared out of my mind, searching for a familiar face. What the hell is going on?

"Hi Agent Y/L/N, it's nice to see your back with us. My name is Dr. April Kepner. I don't know if you can hear me, so if your capable of hearing me, blink twice." A female doctor said. She's nice and bubbly. She has pale skin with rosy cheeks. She has a really pretty smile.

I blink twice, following her orders.

"Okay, I have to keep you intubated and on the ventilator for now, but I'll take the tube out and shut the machine off within twenty four hours. I just need to make sure you can breathe on your own." She says with a blushing smile.

Another female doctor comes rushing in "Dr. Kepner," she says with a nod at she checks the chart.

The female doctor approached me, "I'm Dr. Cristina Yang. I'm your CardioThoracic Surgeon. I'm just going to run a few tests." She says to me before turning to the nurse in the room, "Get me an EKG and a heart ultrasound stat and page me when you get results."

Dr. Yang's pager begins to beep and she leaves the room in a rush.

I take a deep breath as I start choking.

"Well would you look at that! You can breathe on your own. Your lungs seem to be wanting to work on their own." Dr. Kepner says with a smile as she claps excitedly.

Her and a nurse begin to unhook me from the ventilator and takes the tube out of my throat. The tube hurt the most to have taken out. It hit the back my throat, setting off my gag reflex.

"Now that you are breathing on your own, we are going to put you in the ICU for observation and monitoring." Dr. Kepner says with a smile.

"Okay." I say groggily.

They transfer me to the ICU quickly as Dr. Kepner stays by my side the entire time.

She settles me into a room in the ICU. I look around to get aware of my surroundings. There's a bathroom, a tv, a closet, a food tray with a cup, bedside tables, and a dry erase board on the wall. The sliding door is see through glass with a curtain.

I gaze off looking at the glass sliding door as I realize a male step into the doorway with Dr. Kepner.

"Hi Y/N! You have a visitor! Would you like me to send him in?" She says.

"Yes please." I say with a smile. The grogginess in my voice wore off a bit.

The male walks into the room.


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