fifteen <3

575 11 7

***Y/N's POV***

-mini flashback-

I head to the bathroom to touch up my makeup just before the Memorial. My head is pounding from all the arguing going on with Gideon. I don't know what to do, I don't have any Advil with me because I didn't think I would need it again. The bottle did say that it was 24-hour relief as soon as the medication kicked in, but I guess it wore off due to not following instructions? I'm not sure. I pull out my phone to try and group message the girls to see if they have any Advil on them, but it's no use. I have no service and I can't connect to the town hall Wi-Fi. Weird. Maybe the Wi-Fi doesn't reach this high up in the building? Whatever. I try to forget about all the weird and sketchy things that are going on today and focus on fixing my makeup and doing anything else I need to do before meeting Spence back in the room for the Memorial. I lean down to wash my face, the splash of cold water was refreshing, but made my headache worse. I tried to switch the water temperature again by turning the other knob on the sink. Weird, it's not changing temperatures. I vaguely remember a fact Spence told me a week ago about water temperature not leaving a toll on the mind if you don't think about it? I don't know. It was something like that. I follow the instructions of the fact and take a deep breath and splash my face again as someone walks into the bathroom. When I look up from the sink to the mirror, I notice a shadow. It's male-like, their wearing black clothing. Maybe it's Spence checking up on me. I go to turn around as this shadow grabs me and puts their hand over my mouth. His words run through my mind over and over again - "I have a gun. Don't attempt to do anything stupid. Just walk out of the building with me." - It's Gideon's voice. He uses one of his hands to grasp my arm and hold on tight so I can't escape and uses the other to keep a gun at my side. We go down the staircase because the elevators are too out in the open. I'm worried, but I know Spence and the team will catch on soon enough to find me. We walk out to a dark beige colored van and he forces me inside. "Get in there and don't make any sudden movements or Zoe is next." The words ring through my mind. Zoe. If I move, Zoe is next. I simply obey his orders and get stuffed in the back of the van. Why is he doing this? He puts on a blindfold so I can't see anything when we get there. I hear two big sliding type of doors heavily slide open and them clatter shut. He pushes me to the ground and I whimper. "Don't make a sound." He says as the area surrounding us rings from resonance. What the hell is he doing this for? I hear heavy locks clang together and a bin full of bottles rattle. There's liquid inside, what the hell is it? He grabs my arms. OWWW. There's a sudden pinch. I sharply inhale as my adrenaline picks up. "Sweet dreams" He whispers groggily. His breath smells of vodka and cigars. Suddenly the room begins to smell like gasoline. Shit.

-present time-

I wake up to the feeling of chains grinding up against my ankles and rope around my wrists. I can see ligature marks left on each wrist and each ankle. I have massive rope burn on my wrists, the rope material has to be something I'm allergic to. I have hives covering my wrists and massive blistering from the rope burn. I look down at my ankles. Shit, I'm bleeding. The chains are leaving massive cuts across my ankles and there's bruising because the chain is so heavy for my weak and exhausted body to carry. The heavy doors clatter shut in the distance as the locks clang shut. Where the hell am I? I look around to get a sense of where I am, but all I see is wood, hay, metal, boxes, saws, and cabinets. There's no windows like a normal building. Where is he keeping me? A barn? An abandoned cabin? A warehouse? I notice a shadow nearing me in the distance. After a couple of seconds I see Gideon approaching me with a creepy smirk coming across his face. What the hell does he want from me? He has a bowl full of a different variety of things that I can't recognize in one hand, and a wooden chair in the other. My mouth is dry and my lips are sore. My head is pounding to the beat of my weak heart. I can barely breathe.

It hurts to talk and think, but I push myself to try and talk to Gideon to get him to let me go.

"Why am I here?" I ask, groggily.

"Hush Princess, no questions until after you have eaten." He says as he grasped my chin.

He pushes my head up and pours the contents of the bowl into my mouth. He forces me to swallow them immediately. I wince at the pain flowing throughout my body. I wish I could scream. I wish Derek would bust in with Hotch and Rossi and shoot Gideon as Emily and JJ call the medics to get me the hell out of this place. I wish Spence would run in here and untie me and pull me into a hug. A tear starts to roll down my cheeks as my eyes swell up. It hurts everywhere.

"Why- Why am I here?" I ask again, groggily.

"Your here because I brought you here, that was a silly question to ask." Gideon said with a chuckle.

"How long have I been here?" I ask as another tear rolls down my cheek.

"Roughly about eight months." Gideon says as he fidgets around.

"I've been knocked out for eight months? What the hell is wrong with you?" I try to yell.

"No silly, each day I knock you out with a new sedative that in the middle of processing in drug trials, making you forget the day before. Don't worry, the PTSD starts to kick in the more your body parts get touched by people.

I try to act tough, "The team will find you, you know. They're hardworking, they'll figure it out."

"Uh uh uh Princess. You've been missing eight months now, what makes you think that their still searching for you? I bet they have turned the case cold because you are no where to be found. They probably think your dead by now, joining your cowardly dad in Hell. Ha!" Gideon says.

A tear rolls down my cheek. He's probably right. I wince at the thought of this.

He approaches me with a creepy smile, "Awww, it's okay Doll Face, you and Reid haven't even been dating that long so he's forgotten about you and has moved on. As for the rest of the team, they have replaced you and moved on. Six months meant nothing to them." He laughs.

He moves away from me and props up a computer and sets up a webcam. He's recording this and airing it live. Great. Now the whole world, including the people I love deeply, will end up seeing me wincing in pain knowing that they can't help me because of this psycho.

Great. Just Great.

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