Chapter 16: Park family (part 2)

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"Family is supposed to be our haven, but it's the place where we find the deepest heartaches."

This chapter may or may not contain strong language which may be offensive to some readers and inappropriate for children.

-Jungkook's pov

 I woke up at the feeling of hot breath on my chest and a slender arm lying over my abs

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I woke up at the feeling of hot breath on my chest and a slender arm lying over my abs. Looking down, I see thick dark brown hair spread across my chest and onto the pillow. Memories of the night before flashed through my head. My arm is still around her waist, but my palm has moved down to just above her ass. My other hand is on top of hers that's lying flat against my lower stomach.
She shifts a bit and I know she just woke up as her chest stops rising and falling. I hold still, not sure how she's going to take our cozy position.

I expected her to move away but we ended up staying like this for a few minutes before she broke the silence while grazing my skin. My breath hitched.
Hanna: "what happened to your shirt?"
me: "I think I took it off in my sleep. you slept well?"
Hanna: "yeah.... *giggles* I didn't know you snore in your sleep."
My ears turned red. I played with strands of her hair trying to hide my embarrassment.
me: "uh sorry, was I loud?"
Hanna: "no no no, it didn't bother me at all. it was very cute." 
A warm rush of breath fans across my skin. Damn, what the hell is this girl doing to me. I chuckled.
Me: "what's your day like today?"
Hanna: "I have an early dinner thing with my dad."
me: "oh your brother's with be there too?"
Hanna: "mmhm."
me: "so, we can all play a bit before you have to leave right?"
She finally looks up at me with her cute smile. Jimin barges into my room before she could respond.
Jimin: "Han-... what the fuck is this?!" 
He clearly got the wrong idea.
me: "why are you so loud! You should knock, Hyung."
Jimin: "don't start with me you brat!"
I sensed Hanna moving away from me and attempting to explain the situation to Jimin.
Hanna: "there's no need to shout. I'll explain everything, okay?"

~a few hours have passed...

Minhee, Jaehwan, and sungwoo came over with food for lunch while we were chatting over coffee.  obviously, they were worry warts for a good minute before Hanna successfully convinced them everything was fine.
After everyone was filled in on the events of last night, the members who didn't have a schedule were playing video games. I was about to go join them until I was stopped by Jae who motioned me to follow him.
I smiled at Hanna who glanced at me before following Jae to my room.
me: "what's up?"
Jaehwan: "Jung kook-ah, what's going on with you and my sister?
me: "we're.... friends."
Jaehwan: "no, if you two were just friends, you would join us and call her fatso or fatty... You call her princess man what the fuck is that?!"
me: "you're being ridiculous. what's wrong with that?"
*I calmly asked while snickering. *
Jaehwan: "okay, First, you bought her food; which you never do for anyone willingly or without bitching about it by the way, and then, you freaked out when she saw that crazy ex of yours. Not to mention sleeping with her on the same fucking bed and you expect us to believe that nothing happened. as your best friend and her brother, I think I deserve to know."
Me: "she didn't want to be alone and nothing happened, really. *sighs* and to be honest I don't know what we are, she's just amazing... But the timings bad, she has a lot of things going on as well, and rushing things won't do either of us any good."
Jaehwan: "so, you like her huh?"
I nodded. Jaehwan chuckled.
I couldn't help but smile too.
Jaehwan: "I'm glad it's you, man. I always worry about the kind of weird guys I have to put up with when she starts to date seriously. I mean the first one was a dumb fuck. And the second guy was just an asshole."
my smile turned into a frown.
me: "how many were there?"
Jaehwan: "oh no man don't be jealous. She was just passing time with them and it was a long time ago."
me: "I'm not jealous."
I retorted.
Jaehwan: "yeah you are. For what it's worth, she doesn't look at anyone the way she looks at you. and you two aren't even together yet."
Jaehwan clicked his tongue and winked at me.

-Hanna's POV

~time skip...

I was smiling ear to ear the whole ride to my dad's place. jungkook's embrace, his scent everything about him was like a remedy. he managed to make me feel safe and I want to feel that warmth, that comfort every day.
I took a deep breath as I got out of the car to greet my dad and stepmom.
It's been a few years since they've been married. A lot happened in those few years. I always dreaded seeing them after that one argument that happened between me and my stepmom. she's not a bad person, she just knows how to push my buttons and drive me off the edge.
We greeted each other before going inside to eat. Surprisingly, it was a very peaceful meal.
We were casually catching up on things we've been up to until my brothers decided to go buy wine with dad leaving minhee and me alone.
Stepmom: "so, did you guys see your new sibling?"
minhee answered her calmly.
Stepmom: "the word on the street is that your mom had the baby before they got married."
I glared at her before replying sternly.
Me: "don't talk about my mom like that."
Stepmom: "don't put up that tone with me, you always do this. Maybe it's your mother's influence."
and that was when I lost it. I just saw red.
I was livid when my brother and dad showed up. I wanted nothing more than to leave as fast as I could.
Thankfully sungwoo pulled me outside.
Sungwoo: "calm down, you can't just bicker with her every time we have a family gathering."
me: "do you know what she said huh?!"
sungwoo: "listen, I know she can be difficult but do this for dad okay?"
me: "why should I?! If it wasn't for him we would still be a family!" 
I blurted out. Hidden resentment seeping through my words.
I saw his eyes soften.
Sungwoo: "look, I know this is hard on you. And She definitely doesn't make it any easier. But don't you think you went a little too far?"
Me: "she said hurtful things to me too okay? Things about our mom. Things that were non of her business...... It wasn't even true."
I said as angry tears threatened to fall.
Me: "she said I was an embarrassment. She criticized my career, woo. Up until now, that's what I am, that's all I've ever worked towards. That's all I am. And that's not enough.....I'm good for nothing."
sungwoo: "I'm sure she didn't mean that, okay? You know she's old fashioned."
he tries to lighten up the mood, to no avail.
Me: "but she said it."
sungwoo: "You know that I'm on your side right? Even if she said it does it make it true? You make me proud. I know dad's proud. You have accomplished so much already and you're not even an adult yet, fatso *chuckles* you have made a name for yourself the way most people only dream of making. Don't let her bring you down like that."
I just glanced at him before breaking eye contact.
Me: "thank you."
Sungwoo: "*sighs* what can I do to make it better? Do you wanna go for a drive?"
me: "I wanna leave."
I looked at my dad who was leaning against the door; dubious on whether to come to talk to me or give me space. 
I gave him a wistful smile before leaving.
I promised myself to talk to him once I regain my composure.

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