i (i)

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"breathe jaxx, breathe" you tell your 9 year old brother, trying to calm him down as you both sat in the corner of your small hut on tatooine.

"im scared kuts. im so very scared" he replies to you at a whisper while you both look at the door that looks like is going to bust open any minute.

"get down from there hun! you are going to hurt yourself!" you remember your dad saying to you on that sunny endor day.

"i will be just fin-" right as you were about to finish your sentence, your little foot missed a branch on the tree you were climbing, making you fall at least 7 feet.

"oh dear! why dont you ever listen to your father eh? you are only 5 years old, you shouldnt be climbing ginormous trees like that" your mom said rushing over to your body that was in much pain.

"i- im sorry mom" you cried out to her, almost wailing out to her because of the pain you were in.

"lets get you cleaned up okay?" your dad said to you as he picked you up, you nodding in response to his question.

"you are one strong girl" your mom muttered, "i am surprised that you didnt break anything or hurt yourself that much!"

"i bet she got that from me" your dad said, chuckling to himself as your mom helped care for you.

"instead of laughing to yourself, how about you get your butt over here and help out a bit huh?" your mom said as she put the first of many bandages on you.

"fine fine" he said back with a joking tone.

"13 bandages?!" your dad said to your mom and you. "how in the world can a little body handle that?" he said impressed, almost proud.

"i have no clue hun, but you are right, that is actually a bit crazy" your mom replied.

"it hurts mommy, can you kiss my boo-boos?" you said when there was a bit of an awkward silence.

"i will right before you go to bed, but first we must eat some dinner. i made your favorite tonight!" you cheered as your mom finished her sentence.

"kuts. i am going to call you kuts from now on" you dad said to you as he picked you up, giving you a thousand and one kisses.

"dad stop it. stop it dad!" you giggled out as he let you down, you running over to the small tv in your living room. how about we watch some tv together?" you asked your dad with puppy eyes, knowing that makes him do whatever you ask him.

"okay kuts." he replied with a grin.

"hey lady!" you heard, snapping out of a past memory you had. noticing you had a single tear running down your face, you wiped it away real fast so nobody noticed.

"does jaxx y/l/n live here?" a robot looking thing with white armor asked you as it came closer, along with a whole squad behind it. you noticed your little brother shaking, so you stood up infront of him, trying to block them from seeing him.

"who are you?" you replied to the white-armored people, trying to sound as confident as possible because you didnt want your brother to freak out more, though you were just as freaked as he was. a couple of the men chuckled, making you even more confused.

"we are the first order, looking for jaxx y/l/n. now tell me, does he live here?". your heart dropped a bit.

"the- the first order?" you said with wide-eyes, never thinking you would encounter them in your life, especially not in tatooine.

"how many times am i going to have to ask you?" the man who did most of the talking said- you realizing that the men or robots or whatever they were infront of you were indeed stormtroopers.

before you could reply, you felt a strong feeling in your body, you were sure jaxx felt it as well. it almost felt like someone else was coming to you, a strong presence, but you didnt see anyone coming into your little hut- so you tried ignoring the pain. that is until a extremely tall and bulky figure appeared in the doorway. while the thing was walking over to you (and jaxx), the troopers stepped aside for it to pass- you now knowing for a fact that this being was of high ranking in the first order. as it walked over to you, you tried to remain calm and steady, but your hands said otherwise, shaking as if they were going to fall off or something. you arent as scared of what they were going to do to you, more as you were scared what they were going to do to jaxx- knowing that he was the one they were looking for.

"are you going to answer the man's question or not?" the dressed in black , head to toe figure said to you, stepping a little too close to you. as he said that, your body jumped a bit, not expecting a robotic voice to come out.

"holy fuckin- i mean... w-why do you need this 'jaxx y/l/n?" you said with good posture.

"that is none of your concern. now answer the question or we will figure out the hard way." he said as he pointed a finger over to his men, trying to intimidate you even more. as he pointed to them, they all pointed their weapons at you. you wondered how this man didnt see jaxx standing behind you, maybe he wasnt even a man. maybe it was a clone or a robot that isnt able to look down. just as that thought came into your mind, the thing looked down right at jaxx, almost as if it read your mind.

"interesting" the cloaked figure said, signaling to the troopers to take jaxx away. just as you were about to reach for jaxx, 3 troopers came over to you, preventing you from going after him.

"on second thought, take the girl- she may be of use to us" the figure said before walking out of the hut. leaving both you and jaxx terrified, scared, and fearful.


author's note

ahh!! the first chapter!! i hope you enjoyed. feel free to vote and comment, i LOVEEE reading comments on fanfics, they crack.me.up.

                                                                            - i.t

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