xii (xii)

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you woke up the next morning to a bang on the door.

"what the hell?" you spoke as you headed for the door. you opened it and it was wyatt and peter.

"oh, we didnt mean to wake you...sorry. we just came to tell you that jaxx is okay...just like last time." peter said.

"no no no! it is fine. i seriously appreciate that you guys do this for me. it means a lot, seriously."

"its no biggy. we got to go though, catch you later y/n!" wyatt gave you a nod and they both left. you then closed the door.

"might as well get a head start for the day." you mumbled to yourself. it was a bit convenient that they woke you up early. you needed to go to the medbay, so it all worked out. you got ready and put on your uniform. you decided that you would get food after getting your burn treated, and you did exactly that.

"hey y/n! im glad to see you. is everything alright?" aubree asked you as you walked in.

"hi aubree! yeah, im here to get a burn treated. it isnt anything serious." you replied with a small grin.

"oh my! okay. i will get a nurse for you right away. you can have a seat if you want."

"thank you! no rush though..." you then sat down onto a chair that was close to you. within minutes, a nurse called you back and they started examining you.

"my name is nurse kylie. i will be treating you today. would you tell me what is the problem?"

"hello! im y/n and i just have a burn near my stomach."

"okay. i will get that tended to right away. would you lift up your shirt for me?"

"sure!" you did and she started looking at singe.

"hm. you're right, it isnt too bad. i will get some antibiotics and some ointment. you will be on your way in no time."

"sounds good!" with that, she left the room. she returned within seconds and started to nurse the wound.

"this almost looks like a lightsaber wound." she mumbled to herself. you heard it and lightly chuckled. "all right, you are set. if it starts irritating you, just come back and we will help you. have a good rest of your day!"

"thank you so much kylie! and you too!" you walked out of the medbay and waved goodbye to aubree. you had about 15 minutes before your shift which was a perfect amount of time to get food and eat.

you reached the lunch room and grabbed some pancakes, sausage, and cup of fruit. you chugged down some orange juice to top it off. you made your way over to your cleaning crew and begun work. you cleaned, scrubbed, and sweat like crazy. before you knew it, your work period was over and you were heading for your room.

you opened the door and jumped back.

"kylo? why and how are you here? i swear i locked my door..."

"you did, but i got somebody to open it for me."

this was your first time in 3 days seeing kylo after the incident. it was a bit awkward- at least for you, but you tried to hide it.

"so, what do you need?"

"you need to get ready. we are going to see the supreme leader in 15 minutes. sorry about the late noti-"

"the supreme leader? meaning your master? why? what is going on? is he going to execute me? i am not ready for th-"

"oh calm it down chickenface. he isnt going to kill you, i think...."

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now