xvi (xxxv)

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you woke up the next day at the crack of dawn. luke insisted that rey stayed on the island a bit longer, and she gladly respected that request.

you were also happy about her decision, maybe you could get to know her better?

you put on some training clothes and headed over to the spot you and luke always met up at. when you arrived, you saw lukes back was facing you. you then remembered-

the plan.

you decided that training could wait, and that the plan was your top priority at the moment. you knew that you couldnt come up with one without luke, and he knew it ever so clearly.


"y/n." he turned to face you.

"can we talk?" you asked him.

"no, can we talk?"

"sure. but...me first!"

"fine." he grinned a little bit.

"i think it is time that we create a plan...to help...to save kylo."

"i agree with you."

"and what were you going to tell or ask me?" you questioned.

"that can wait for now. first, we must start planning ahead. how about we go over there and sit down for a little bit." luke pointed to a bonfire-ish area.

"oh, sure sure." you said as you followed lukes lead over to the logs and fire. you sat down directly across from him.

"so, what do you have in mind?" luke asked as you then put a puzzled expression onto your then resting face.

"wait, i uh thought you would be the one to come up with it."

"no y/n. yes i will help you, but this is really up to you. you are the one who is doing this. you can do this the way you want. but before you start going off on me about how i wanted you to do this, you were ultimately the one who could have said no."

"i know, you are right. but honestly, im scared. what if the plan i come up with doesnt work? what if it just pushed him farther away?"

"you must believe in yourself. it will not work if you have that type of mindset. have faith in what you are doing."

"no, you are right. and like you have told me, the force is always with me...guiding me...protecting me."

"exactly. whatever comes of this situation happens for a reason. that is one of the very first things i told you."

"do you think that i have to turn him completely?"

"what do you mean?" luke asked.

"you and i both know that i need to get him out of the darkside...but, do i necessarily need to pull him over to the light? is it possible that he just stays in the middle or something? i think it would be better than way because if he does want to go over to the light, then he can. but if he doesnt want to, then so be it- as long as he is out of the darkness...right?"

"hm." luke said. "you bring out a fairly good point. ben...kylo doesnt like to be bossed around-"

"really? i used to boss him around all the time." you said as you remembered back to those days.

"you...you are an exception."


"nevermind. as i was saying, i think that idea is good...him making the decision of going to the light or not. and you are right, i think as long as he is out of the gloom- it will be good. it will be alright."

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now