xiv (xiv)

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you woke up extra early the next day because you couldnt contain your excitement. you decided to spend the entire day with jaxx because you wanted to make up for lost time. you got ready real quick and headed next door to his room and knocked on it.

"go away. kylo already told me at the crack of dawn that training was cancelled."

"training? what? it is me, kuts." you were a bit puzzled on why your brother was talking about training and kylo. suddenly, the door opened and appeared a sleepy jaxx.

"oh, sorry. i thought you were some stormtrooper. come in!"

"stormtrooper? what are you even talking about? since when do you train with kylo?"

"since like yesterday...i think? i am surprised that he didnt tell you, considering that you went to his room last night."

"how did you know that i went there young man? were you following me?"

"ah, so it is true." jaxx smirked.

"oh shut it j. and no, he did not tell me. i was way too busy carelessly blabbering away that he probably forgot. i will ask him later i guess...anyways, get ready for the day. i want to spen-" then it hit you.

you had work in an hour.

"no no no! no!"

"whats wrong kuts?"

"the day that i can finally hang out with you is also the day that i have work! i can cancel or something...it shouldn't be a problem. right?"

"nonsense. you are going to work! i will just come over to your room later tonight. it will be alright...we have all the time in the galaxy to spend together from now on."

"fine jaxx. just tell me if you change your mind! i will see you later i guess...i have to get ready."

"bye bye!"

you were displeased that you had work. your brother insisted that you went, so you decided to try and get the day over with already.

"rey, i see that you listened to me."

"hello. and yes i did, i want snoke dead as much as you do.

"so, do you remember the plan...or do i have to go over it with you again?"

"i am not stupid. also, the plan may not even work. people are unpredictable and you should know that."

"what is that suppose to mean?"

"just hurry up and lets kill this man!"

kylo called over 2 stormtroopers to handcuff rey. kylo and rey then made there way over to the elevator so that they could arrive at the throne room.

work couldn't have gone by slower. all you could think about was taking a nice shower and then hanging out with jaxx. you werent in the mood to really talk to anyone, so it was convenient that your cleaning crew didnt do much of it.

"hey y/n! how is it going?"

"go awa-" you cut yourself off as you looked up.
"hey piers!"

"why the bad mood hm?"

"sorry about that. i just want to get work over with and it feels like it will never it end!"

"ah! i feel your pain big time. some shifts feel like they were over in a millisecond and others feel as if they are going on for decades!"

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now