viii (xxvii)

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you waited a few days until you actually went through with your plan. you heard some noises outside of your hut- just like every morning. you came to figure out that they were in fact luke, so you knew it was go time.

you quietly walked out of your hut and over to lukes. he wouldn't suspect you being up this early, so this was a perfect time to get done what you wanted to do.

you opened the door to his hut and walked in. it looked very similar to yours, but it had more stuff in it. it had maps, photos, all kinds of things inside- and you were glad because that was exactly what you needed the room to look like.

even though you told yourself to come up with a smart strategy, you just couldn't seem to come up with one. you were tired of waiting around and hoping that the force would help you out with this one, so you decided that your next best thing was to just go over to lukes room and snoop around for a bit- and pray that a clue of somekind would appear in there.

you couldnt lie, you did feel a bit guilty about it. but, you really wanted to find out what luke was finding and you hoped that his room would give you some answers.

you walked over to a small desk that he had in on the left side of the room. it had pens, paper, lightsabers, and diagrams scattered all around on it. you picked up a certain lightsaber and studied it closely. you had never really been familiar with the deadly weapon, so holding it almost felt wrong. you were tempted to turn it on, but you decided not to- after all, you were investigating a room that wasnt even yours in the first place.

you walked over to his nightstand and opened a drawer. a pair of gold dice immediately caught your attention, so you picked it up. you stared at the charm for some time, before setting them back where you found them. it almost felt like the gold dice had a significant meaning to them- like they belonged to someone important. you couldnt wrap your finger around it, but it was almost like it felt wrong to even look at the dice.

you walked over to a dresser type thing and opened a drawer. it simply revealed some shirts and regular clothing, so you went to go shut it. then, you saw it.

a family photo, hidden under some clothes.

you quickly picked it up and carefully observed the photo. it was a mom, dad, young boy, and a....wookie?

the mom was extremely beautiful, with stunning brown hair and eyes. she wore a simply white gown that fit her perfectly.

the dad looked very handsome, wearing a tan shirt and black vest- along with some boots and simple pants.

you couldnt lie at all, this family was super attractive. you were almost jealous of how perfect they looked together- if only you knew. there seemed to be so much love circulating throughout them, it seemed to be radiating off of the photo.

then, your eyes fell onto the boy. he had striking black hair and hazel eyes. he was wearing a neutral colored robe and had a small braid in his hair. the boy looked relatively recognizable, but you couldnt seem to pinpoint it exactly- just like how you couldnt with the pair of dice.

you then looked over at the very, very tall wookie. he was holding onto a pair of...wait. is that the same pair of gold dice that was in lukes drawer?

you ran back over to the nightstand and grabbed them, dashing back over to the photo. you laid the dice next to the picture and you were correct.

they were the exact same charm.

"what the hell is going on?" you muttered to yourself. why did luke have this stuff? why did he have a photo of a family that he wasnt even apart of? why did he have a charm that wasnt his? it clearly belonged to the wookie, but something in you was telling you that it really belonged to the man in the black vest.

you walked back over to the nightstand and put the dice away. you then jogged over to the photo and examined it once more.

"there is something...more. i can feel it" you spoke to yourself.

you heard some faint footsteps approaching the door and you subconsciously shoved the photo into your sleeve. the door opened right as you were about to exit.

"hey y/n. what are you doing here? you usally arent up this early."

"uh..." you panicked a bit. "i just uh woke up earlier than usual and wanted to ask if you wanted to start the lesson earlier than usual. but, you werent in here so i was just about to leave." you nervously smiled.

"but you know that i always leave my roo-"

"sorry, it must have just slipped my mind." you slightly chuckled.

"okay, then. if you want to start training earlier, than sure. meet me at the same place in 15." luke said. he was definitely suspicious, but was too tired to really care.

"bye!" you said as you ran out of the room. you were glad that you weren't caught. sure, luke caught you leaving- but it wasnt like he saw you while you were roaming through his stuff or anything.

right when you left, luke noticed that a certain drawer was open.

the drawer that you had opened up yourself.

"did i leave this open? i nev-" then he realized it.

the photo-


his clothes that hid it-

moved around.

he knew that it was best to not chase after you because that would raise some questions. for all you knew, it was just a random family that luke knew or something.

luke took in a few deep breaths, attempting to calm himself down. "she doesnt know, luke. breathe for a second." he said to himself as he steadied out his breathing.

when you finally reached your own room, you rushed over to your bed and sat on it. you took the photo out of your sleeve and looked at it once more.

"this family...they mean something important. it''s on the tip of my tongue." you whispered.

you got ready for training and met up with luke. the entire lesson was a bit awkward because the both of you were extremely tense and anxiety-filled from the event that happened earlier.

"good job, y/n. i can see you improving deep within yourself." luke said to you as he got up from the ground, you then doing the same.

"thank you, luke. and yeah, i can feel it. i can feel the pain departing from me, and feels amazing- like a breath of fresh air." you smiled.

"im glad y/n. i will see you later." he said to you with a small smirk.

"yup!" you walked off as you said that.

when you returned to your room, you changed into some more comfortable clothing and sat back down onto your bed- holding onto the photo tightly.

the photo was exactly what you needed. even though it was a direct explanation to anything at all, you could tell that i was going to lead you to something. something big.

"i will find out who you guys are." you said to the photo, "it is just a matter of time."


authors note

spicy spicy spicyyyy. luke is literally quaking rn lmaooo anyways i am starting to get more confident in my writing again, and i hope that it reflects onto it!!


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