xiv (xxxiii)

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you woke up the next day feeling...weird. something felt off and well, out of place.

maybe it was the force? no. it was the force.

you changed into some clothes and started to walk over to lukes hut. you knocked on the door and called out his name.

"luke? are you in there?"

you got no response, so you assumed he was eating or meditating...something along those lines. you really had nothing better to do, so you decided to go out and search for him. he couldnt be too far from you since the island wasnt very large at all, but you never know.

you jogged over to lukes normal meditating spot, but he wasnt there.

maybe he was catching some fish?

you made your way down near the water and looked around for him.

"luke? hellooo?" you called out.

now this, was getting strange.

maybe if you got high enough, you may be able to see him?

you climbed up the hills and finally reached a place that you thought was high enough. you searched for him once again, but nothing.

the force.

how could you forget? you were becoming stronger with the dang thing each day, yet you couldnt seem to keep it in your mind? it was such a powerful tool, but you would totally forget about it sometimes. how could one be so ignorant? so many people wished and prayed that the force was strong with them and here you were...disregarded it.

you focused on your breathing and took in your surroundings.

the ocean.

the sky.

the rocks.

the grass.

the flowers.

the animals.

the- you hadnt even realized that you were walking until you suddenly heard lukes voice...and another one?

you werent aware that luke had visitors, and why didnt he inform you?

you continued to follow the voices and then 2 people suddenly came into view.

one of them was luke of course, sitting on the ground infront of some fish that he caught. he was the one that was facing you. and the other one was a girl. she was the one that had her back to you.

she had a half up, half down hairstyle with her brown locks-them sitting comfortably on her shoulders. she was wearing what looked like a huge grey scarf that was wrapped around her body, but it obviously wasnt that.

"i wanted to ask you if you felt the disturbance in the force-" the girl quickly turning around an facing you, causing you to take in a quick breath. "but i think i know what it is now." you said, not removing your eyes from hers.

there was a bit of a silence, and luke didnt want to intervene. he could feel the tension in the air- mostly coming from you, and he knew the reason why.

"hi. im r-" rey extended her hand for you to shake, only for you to grab onto it and bring it back to her side.

"i know." you said to her with a bit of an attitude. luke had told you much more about the girl....rey. how strong, how powerful, how amazing she is.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now