xv (liii)

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"y/n!" leanna said as she bursted into your medbay room with her datapad in hand.

"whats up?" you replied back as you sat up in your bed. not to get it confused, you somewhat enjoyed the infirmary. but, it had felt like you've been there forever- and you were starting to get sick of it.

"i have some news for you." she began walking over to your bedside and pulled up a chair.

"hm?" you said as you started to question what it could be.

"news- i have some for you."

"i know i know. what is it?"

leanna took in a deep breath before saying, "you're officially discharged- you're free to go! you are completely healed, i just got this information a few seconds ago."

"what?" you said as your eyes widened.

"im sorry it has taken this long. but, we wanted to monitor you to make sure that everything is perfectly fine."

"i-" you were at loss of words. just a few seconds ago, you were thinking about how much you wanted to go. but now that it was happening, you...you just didnt.

"you are obviously going to have to come back for some checkups and what not, but-"

"could i stay a bit longer? p-"

"y/n y/l/n, no you will not! go back to your friends and family and get the hell out of here. why would you want to stay?"

"because you're here! also, it's kind of fun doing absolutely nothing. im so used to being busy that it was a breath of fresh air to not have really any responsibilities."

"i understand, but stop acting like you'll never see me ever again. whenever you come down here for medical stuff, we will see eachother. also, we will hang out all the time, whenever we can- trust me." she smiled as you plopped back down into your bed.

"i do trust you, but i just know it's going to be werid going back to normal."

"it will be just fine. plus, you need to go get your man-"

"leanna, oh my gosh! first off, he is not my man. second off, you know that he hasnt been here in almost a month. dont you think that means something? hm?"

"oh whatever. men are men are men are men. they're just...dumb like that. now, im going to get your papers ready and you will be on your way!"

"okay." you replied to her as you watched her leave your room. "oh goodness." you said to the wall as you took in a deep breath.

like you told leanna, you were indeed nervous about returning to well... real life. so much has happened that was unexpected, but mainly just the hux situation. the more you thought about it, the more it shocked you.

how could someone do such a thing? you were  in fact glad that he got killed, but you were a little pissed that you werent the one to actually do it. but then again, you were literally about to die so how could you have done it anyways?

also, if that entire situation didnt happen, your life could very well be entirely different. for starters, you wouldnt have met leanna when you did, but even if you had, there is a huge possibility you wouldnt have ever formed such a strong friendship with her. to hell with it, maybe you would be with kylo right now in some snowy planet. there is no way of knowing because well, what happened happened and-

"everything happens for a reason." you said out loud.

just as you said that, the door opened up and in walked etta, jaxx, and piers.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now