iv (iv)

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"where-where am i? and is jaxx okay? where is he?" you asked the masked figure as it approached you. you looked like a mess because of you subconsciously crying just a couple minutes ago. your mind was racing with a million thoughts. you felt as if it were about to explode.

"y/n y/l/n." the figure simply said to you, ignoring all of the questions you asked.

"how do you know my name? what the hell is happening?" you whispered. you started to get a bit panicky. him knowing your name freaked you out way more than it should have.

"you ask a lot of questions i see." he replied to you. once again, completely disregarding the questions you threw at him.

"well i think you would as well if you were strapped down to a piece of cold metal, arms and legs tied down, having no clue where you were or if your only family member left was okay!" you said to him, your voice growing louder with each word you said. "are you going to kill me? holy fuck, you are going to kill me. the first order kills lots of people, i wouldnt be surprised if i were added to the list. wait no, you would have killed me earlier if you really wanted to. shit, you are going to torture me! what the hell did i even d-" you were cut off because you suddenly felt a extremely uncomfortable feeling in your head. it felt like somebody was clawing at your brain. you have never experienced anything like it before. thankfully it ended, leaving your whole body aching in pain.

"interesting." was all the figure had to say.

"is that the only word you know? what the hell just happene-"

"your parents and twin siblings left you at 19 with your brother who was only 5."

you felt your heart drop. for the most part, nobody knew this because the day after they left you, you used the money they gave you to move to tatooine. you wanted to leave endor, you needed to leave endor. tatooine seemed like a good option at the time, seeing as it was a very different atmosphere from endor and that nobody you knew lived there. it was a fresh start- for you and jaxx. hearing him say this, you realized something.

"you asshole! you just fucking probed me! you are a force user you dumb bitch!"

usually, the cloaked man would have been infuriated with the way you were talking to him, but for some very odd reason...he just wasnt.

"so you know about probing and force users but not the first order? and dont lie to me, as you said yourself; i just probed you...and i can do it again. but that makes me think, are you a force user y/n?"

you were trapped, oh you were so trapped. the whole time, you were staring right at the mans mask, but hearing those 6 words made you look away.

"interesting. i see you dont want to talk? i guess i will have to figure out the answer to my questions the hard way."

hearing him say that, you prepared yourself to put up a mind wall. you didnt know how you learned to do it; nobody ever trained you. one day, you just were able to. the thing was, people werent probing you daily, so it never really came to use, but right now... it definitely did. feeling that pain in your mind again, you put up the wall. as soon as the man thing figured out you put up a wall, he instantly stopped. he was shocked. he sensed the force was strong with your brother, it was quite obvious. but he had no sense of it with you- not a single drop. he stepped back, trying to comprehend it all. because of the first round of probing, he was able to piece it together with the little information he got out of you.

"your parents and siblings abandoned you and jaxx because they were afraid of you. jaxx and you are strong with the force and the rest of your family is not, and they were scared of you both. that is why they you left you."

"you dont know what you are talking about! who even are you?" you screamed at the figure standing in front of you. after you said that, the figure took off its mask that it was wearing.

"oh my galaxy, you are hot as shit!" you said, regretting it the second it slipped out of your mouth. you should have been mad at the man, he just probed you and figured out your biggest secret of all time. yet here you were, telling him that he was hot. the man (who seemed fairly young) had midnight black hair that looked like it was made from heaven. it laid so perfectly on him, you were practically drooling. he had a scar running down his face that made him 10 times more appealing, leaving you speechless. he had seductive hazel eyes and plump red lips. you were starstruck and you werent even that mad about it. he was a beautiful sight, and boy could you stare at him all day if you had to.

"are you done?" he said to you, snapping you out of your gaze. hearing his real voice made you even more starstruck. is was so low and calming for some reason. you enjoyed listening to it. anyways, the man himself had to admit, you werent that bad yourself. actually, you were far from it. you were probably one of the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

"eh, give me a minute" you replied to him as you continued to stare at him for a couple seconds longer. "yeah, im done. now, what do you want?"

"explain to me." he simply said to you.

completely ignoring his statement as he previously did to you, you said "what is your name and why are you so feared? also, why do you wear a mask when you look like this?"

the cloaked figure knew that he wouldn't get anywhere with you if he didnt answer your questions. he didnt take orders from others except maybe snoke, but he gave up trying.

"my name is kylo ren." he simply stated, passing over your other 2 questions. you were satisfied with his response partially, at least he answered one of your questions.

"kylo ren. sounds badass. well you already know who i am, i dont know how... but whatever. you guys are the first order, so i am not that surprised."

kylo was fascinated on how you had no filter. he actually really liked it. for once, somebody didnt fear him. they were real with them. though he loved the power and how we was feared, it was relieving to have someone treat him like just another human being.

"i should be mad at you right now. you probed me. that shit fucking hurts. have you ever been probed? probably not, you seem real strong with the force. also, you like kidnapped me and my brother! my brother. where is my brother?!" you said to him, freaking out because you needed to know if he was safe.

"he is fine. he is in an interrogation room just like how y-" kylo was cut off by you.

"room like me? did you probe him?! oh because if you probed him, we might have a problem you big fat meanie!" you exclaimed.

"calm down fartbag. he hasnt been probed. i wasnt planning on doing it to him, but-" kylo was cut off by you yet again. he hasn't insulted somebody in such a childlike way in a long long time, and he actually enjoyed it. it was out of the ordinary for him and he actually missed it a bit.

"woah, woah, woah. calm it down mister. first off, i know for a fact you did not just call me a fartbag. if anything, you are a fartbag. second off, no. you will not probe him. if me telling you whatever you need to know causes you not to probe him, then i am okay with it." you set up an agreement with him. anything for him not to touch your brother.

"deal then." kylo replied to you with a tiny smirk. he was starting to really like you. he liked your attitude and spunk.

"okay then hit me. wait i take that back, dont hit me. i mean like...like...oh fucking hell, what do you need from me?"

"start from the beginning."

"i dont know what you mea-"

"yes you do. you definitely do. now go. explain."

you knew fighting it would do nothing. you didnt want to tell this random hot man who clearly was very high ranked in the order, well... everything. but you reminded yourself to do it for jaxx. to keep him safe. "ugh, fine. but you might wanna sit down or something, because we might be here for a while."


authors note

oooo hahah. finally, we got some quality time with kylo <3. im just playing, but vote and comment if ya want!!


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