xiii (xiii)

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today was once again your day off, so you decided to explore some more. you prepared yourself for the day and exited your room.

you found your feet guiding you to wherever they wanted just like last time. you found yourself at yet another hangar, but this one seemed different from the last one you went into-the one where you meet etta and piers.

this one was less populated with ships and people- you found it...peaceful. you noticed that you were now on the ground, just sitting there...in the middle of the hangar. some people gave you strange looks but you just ignored them.

"from now on, this is going to be my go-to relaxing spot." you said to yourself with pride.

you sat there, in the same spot, for another 20 minutes. it felt extremely relaxing to you...just sitting there by yourself.

you were snapped out of your relaxation when you heard somebody say your name.


you snapped your eyes open and you saw etta.

"oh, hey etta! how is is going?"

"good good. what were you just now doing...sitting in the middle of the hangar?" she gave you a confused look.

"to be honest, i got no clue. all i know is that it felt very calming doing it." you shot her a smile. "what are you doing here etta?"

"this is my workplace. i am an engineer just like piers."

"that is so amazing! you must be super smart, i could never be one."

"dont say that! i am sure you could. i used to think just like that, but i grew from it. you can do whatever you put your mind to!"

"yeah yeah. i have heard that one before. well, i am going to head to the cafeteria, do you want anything?"

"i actually just came from there, thanks for offering though. i will see you around!"

you turned around and headed to get some food. you were starving because you didnt eat much yesterday...only breakfast really. you got your food and sat in your usual spot. you ate rather quickly and returned to your room once again.

kylo decided that today was the day that he would start training jaxx. he mentally yelled at himself for not telling you yesterday. he got ready for the day and headed to the main training room. there were other rooms as well, but this one had the most equipment. he reserved 8-11 am so that him and jaxx could have the room to themselves and no distractions. he sent 2 troopers down to get jaxx and bring him to the room. soon enough, jaxx was standing infront of him with tired eyes.

"hi jaxx. every single day from now on, we are going to be training from 8-11. got that?" kylo wasnt the best with talking to kids...in fact, he never really did talk to kids. he didnt know if he should talk to them as if they were like adults or not.

"okay, i got it."

for the next couple hours, kylo trained jaxx with all types of equipment. jaxx was already pretty built for being only 9, so he didn't struggle much with the tasks he was given. he was a good listener and obeyed kylo. soon enough, it was over and jaxx was on his way.

"you did real good today. how are you already so muscular though?"

"well back on tatooine y/n tr-" jaxx cut himself off.

"why do you act as if saying her name is a bad word?"

"because...because she hurt me. she lied. i hate he-"

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now