xv (xv)

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it had almost been a week now since you had seen kylo. you didnt bother to go over to his room because you were now surprisingly starting to get busier by the day.

you were either at work, sleeping in your cozy bed, hanging out with jaxx, eating, roaming around the ship, sitting at your favorite hangar that you haven't discovered too long ago, or hanging out with etta and piers.

your friendship with the couple had definitely blossomed rather quickly. the 3 of you instantly connected and you found yourself hanging out with them or visiting them quite often. you loved being near the 2 because you loved the energy that they brought with them. being around them always brought laughs and overall happiness.

you awoke by a rather harsh knock on the door. you jolted up and opened the door. you were still extremely tired so your eyes werent fully functioning. you saw a tall dark figure but you couldnt make out who it was. you rubbed your eyes and then looked at the person once again.

"kylo, hey. whats up?"

kylo had been avoiding you for the past week. he couldnt handle being around you for some odd reason ever since he killed snoke. he was still trying to process what he did for you, and the thing is- you had no clue about his actions. hearing your voice again brought shivers to his spine. that morning, he decided that he had to get his butt up and tell you that he would start training with you. after all, that is the reason why he killed snoke- so that you wouldnt have to train with him.

well, that was what kylo keep telling himself. he knew deep down that that wasnt the only reason he did it. over the years, his eyes started to open on how abusive and well...manipulated snoke was. he soon realized that snoke was only using him- and that angered kylo. but, the thing that really sent kylo was hearing that you would have to train with that purely evil man. though kylo was also evil, and he knew it, he also knew that snoke was even more than he was.

kylo was aware that you wouldn't be able to handle snokes training. he didnt mean that in a offensive way, but it was the truth. snokes training might have actually killed you. kylo didnt regret killed snoke at all, he knew that the bastard had it coming for him.

"i came to inform you that training with start tomorrow at 8. jaxx will be with us during it as well."

hearing this confused the heck out of you.

"training? i thought that i was doing that with the hairless cat?"

"snoke is gone now. i will be training you."

"gone? what do you even mean gone? wait...wait a min-" you cut yourself off. "so the rumors are true?! you killed your master?"

kylo was taken a back by this. how did you know such information? and more importantly, did you know why he even did it?

"what did you just say?"

"etta and piers tol-...i mean...some pe-"

"who are etta and piers?"

"just some friends of mine. anyways-"

"not anyways. i dont want you being friends with them anymore. got that?"

"excuse me? i can be friends with whoever i want to. you dont have control over me!" you screamed. you were astonished that he thought he could boss you around like that. you hated when people thought they could- it made you furious.

"that is an order. and yes, i do have control over you...i am the supreme leader after all." kylos rage was starting to grow like a mini wildfire. it was he was becoming jealous in a sense of etta and piers. he didnt know why, but he just...was.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now