xv (xxxiv)

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you started to walk into a cave, wondering how deep it would go. much to your disappointment, you quickly hit the end of it within seconds of that thought.

"that was literally so dumb and a waste of time." you said to yourself as you turned back to the way you entered.

you started walking up a path that you had never taken or even see before. it looked more aged and worn out then the other ones, and you wondered why that was. the path suddenly came to a spot, so you looked up to see if there was anything left to it.

maybe this was just a missing piece or something?

much to your surprise, instead of a continuation of the path, there was a small-ish meadow that appeared infront of you. ahch-to was definitely did not look like the island to have any type of flat land, so you started to walk into it.

there were different types of plants surrounding you, but it was mostly just grass. it definitely wasnt like the field in your dream that was on naboo, but it was still pretty for the most part.

you made it about halfway until you spotted the most beautiful flower you had ever seen. it had such vibrant colors on its petals- magenta, aqua, and even burgundy. you studied it for a good chunk of time, almost being mesmerized by it. you didnt know why, but it just fascinated you so so much.

you went to go pluck it out of the ground, but you stopped yourself before doing so. you knew that doing that would kill the breathtaking thing, so you decided to just keep a mental photo of it in your brain.

"gosh, what type of flower are you?" you said to it, looking a bit crazy.

you let your head fall back, and you now were staring at the sky. it was a beautiful day out, so you took in a few deep breaths and closed your eyes.

instantly after doing so, your mind floated over to jaxx. you hadn't thought about him this whole entire time, and you felt extremely guilty.

how could you not think about your only family member for such a long time? what kind of person did that?

you opened your eyes once again and sat up straight. you focused back onto the flower, but your mind didnt leave the thought of jaxx at all.

maybe the reason why you didnt think of him was because you knew he was safe?

you recalled back to you telling kylo to watch out for him in the note you left, and you were sure that he would...that he did...that he is doing just that. you suddenly felt another person's presence, but you were too lazy to shift your head in their direction. you continued to stare at the flower, examining every single detail of it.

"asmarel" a voice said. this time around, you did infact turn your head. you then saw rey standing next to you, with a strangely large stick in her left hand.

"huh?" you asked as she took a seat next you to.

"that flower...it's a asmarel, well thats the type of flower it is. they are extremely rare and are usually by themselves in a whatever environment. there are never more than 2 in a field or meadow, so that is one of the things that make them special." she said as you smiled a little.

"wo...wow. you know a lot about them. and that name for the flower sounds so..." you struggled with finding the correct word.

"elegant? yeah." rey finished your sentence.

"exactly." you said to her. "how do you know so much about them?"

"well when i stayed on this island for training, i too found this exact field and this exact same flower. im actually surprised that it is in the same position, but that is besides the point. i found it and was intrigued by it just like you, so i did a bit of research on it."

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now