vi (xliv)

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when kylo reached the page, he consumed every single word he read with his full concentration.

he needed to master this skill with precision- and fast. he couldnt waste any time because he couldnt risk the fact of you possibly dyi-

"you must channel deep within-" kylo drowned his thoughts out with reading the paragraph that he was on outloud- his words started to become inaudible as he continued on.

he read for what felt like 3 minutes but was actually 50 until he realized-

"oh fuck, the stormtroopers" he said to himself as he abruptly stood up and dashed out the door and over to the interrogation rooms of the finalizer.

he completely forgot about the 2 people who were being held, but he could care less about it. it wasnt like they would be wanting their personal tortures to come sooner or anything.

he opened the door and saw the 2 stormtroopers at opposite ends of the room, just as he instructed the officer.

"cc-5380 and hz-2059" kylo said to the both of them as he turned so that they could each look at him, using the force to pull their helmets off.

the one that was on the right side was a fairly young woman with brown, straight hair that was pulled back into a low bun. it appeared that she had blood running down the side of her head, as well as a wounded cheek. she had an expressionless face, with eyes trying to avoid kylos.

the one of the left was a older man- possibly a year or two older than kylo. he had blonde hair that could stick out in a crowd, face also wounded just like the girls.

"what did you both do to her?" kylo stood infront of the girls face since he could feel the fear radiating off of her more.

she stayed silent, her hands shaking a bit under the cuffs that they were in. kylo walked over to the man and looked him deep in the eyes, trying to see if that would scare him enough to spill it.

"w-" the man started to talk until the woman interrupted him.

"stop it." she said through gritted teeth.

feeling the rage build up, kylo quickly slammed the girls head into the piece of cold metal that she was on- causing her to groan in pain and also shut her mouth.

he redirected his attention to the man, but this time- he didnt speak. instead, the blonde haired man just looked up at the ceiling.

"now that she told you not, you decide to listen? remember your ranking- remember your superiors." kylo seethed.

the man took in a small breath before opening his mouth, only to shut it again.

seeing this, kylo instantly had enough. he reached his hand out to the mans head and started to go through his mind. he screamed in pain when kylo started, but the screaming tuned down for him as he started to go deeper.

"cc-5380, hz-2059, and yr-3442- you are to go to hangar 13 and grab the girl who exits the ship. she will be alone and coming out of a tie fighter."

kylo was baffled that there was 3 troopers instead of only the 2 that were before kylo in the mans memory.

how did the officer not know about the other one? kylo knew that they didnt lie to him, he would've sensed it.

"yr-3442, you are to inject her with this substance in the neck. it is akewlpor, so it will make her pass out almost instantly after you do so." hux turned to a man that kylo didn't recognize as he gave the syringe to him. "cc-5380 and hz-2059, you both are to sign into the datapad that you are working that hangar, but yr-3342, do not do that. if anyone asks why you didnt, tell them it was my orders."

"yes sir."

"bring her to torture room 9 and i will handle it from there. she is a force user, so you must use your head when doing this assignment- no mistakes will be tolerated at all. now...go. she will be landing within the second, and you all must hide out in the hallway until she starts walking towards the exit."

"okay, general hux."

kylo snapped out of the mans head and took a step back. even though he only saw a single event occur that was about huxs plan, the new information he learned from it was blasting at him.

drugged someone?

kylo was actually shocked that hux did that.

kylo walked over to the right side of the room and stood infront of the girl. she was still in pain from kylos previous act of her, but he didnt care. without warning, he started to probe her to see if she knew anything more that he did.

"uh, hello?"

when kylo heard your voice, he instantly jumped a bit. then, he saw a couple of hands quickly grab onto you with a harsh grip.

he left the girls mind quicker than he entered it. he knew that he was starting to see what they did to you, and he also knew that he wouldnt be able to handle it...not yet at least.

it was already too much for his brain to try and figure out huxs entire plan, motive- all of that stuff. he decided that he would just do things one by one to prevent any more stress than he was already feeling in the moment.

kylo took a quick look at the 2 people who were in the room- both clearly in agonizing pain. they both deserved it though...they both deserved to undergo this minimal amount of pain because of how much you did/were going through. it was minimal because the sum of yours was far more than theirs combined by at least 78 percent.

"this is not over...not at all." kylo simply said to them as he walked out of the door. he wanted to keep them there a bit longer before he killed them to see if he could get anymore information out of them.

kylo saw a guard with a blaster outside of the rooms pacing back and forth, looking and observing the doors intently to make sure nobody had someone escaped the slab and was now trying to leave the room all together.

"cell 7 will be under high surveillance until i say so." kylo told the man.

"yes, of course supreme leader."

kylo started running back to his room eager...almost excited to learn how to forceheal.

when he opened the door to his quarters, he immediately rushed over to his desk and continued reading. he realized that it wasnt too difficult to do, but it took lots of time to practice how to do it correctly, and also patience as well- and kylo didnt...well he didnt have either of them.

he didnt want to rush into it and accidentally end up hurting you more, but he also didnt want to end up hurting you more by practicing for hours on end, only for it to fail.

"no, this is going to work. it will help y/n a lot- if not completely." he said to himself, trying to keep a positive attitude.

kylo shook his head as he tried/successfully rid his mind of his thoughts. he knew deep down that the forcehealing would assist you if done correctly, but he just didnt know how much.

"this is for you, y/n. you're going to pull through- i know it."


authors note

bruh it is fr 2 am and i just now finished this lmaO but im rewatching tros and i had to pause it because i dont know if i can handle watching it for the like the 3rd time jenfkdjfb


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