xiii (li)

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the sound of soft and pleasant humming filled your ears, you not wanting to open your eyes because of the fear that if you did- you wouldnt be seeing the hospital room that you fell asleep in.

after what felt like 10 minutes of just laying there, you slowly opened your eyes to see leanna looking down at her datapad- so she was the one humming.

you let out a small breath that caught her attention, and she quickly looked over at you within concern in her eyes.

"im so sorry, did i wake you up?"

"maybe? i dont really care though." you laughed as she brought over a tray of food.

seeing this, you were reminded that you hadnt eaten in..oh gosh.

that probably fed you through a tube when you were in a coma, so you hadnt eaten in maybe an entire day?

"if you are hungry, here is some food. the infirmary has entirely different things to eat then the cafeteria- some say it is better. but take it easy, you are still in recovery." she gave you a small smile.

"the lunch room food honestly isn't that bad. i mean, at least they are feeding us." you said as you looked down at the plate infront of you.

she was right, you hadnt seen any of the things that you were looking at- in the cafeteria. it did look tastier, so you dug right in.

"yeah, i guess so." she laughed.

right as the red fruit that you placed into your mouth, you immediately were in heaven. "oh-oh my gosh, what is this...this delightful-i could scream." you said as you struggled to speak.

as you swallowed each piece, you noticed that your throat was a little sore. you picked up the glass of water and carefully drank it.

"your throat should get better soon. as for the fruit? that is watermelon. im surprised that you have never had it before."

"i probably have, but i just don't remember. how long was i out for?"

"like 10 hours, not too bad. how is the pain? i can get your more medicine if you need it."

"hm. the pain right now is...it is barely noticeable? wow, okay thank the galaxy." you said as you looked up and placed yet another piece of this supposed watermelon in your mouth.

"that is good- it means the meds are working. tell me when you are done eating so that i can check a few things, and also replace your bandages, wraps- stuff like that." as she headed for the door.

"no no! you can just do it now, i dont want to prevent you from going to see your other patients." you said as you placed the tray to the side and slowly sat up.

you werent in as much pain as yesterday, but it was definitely still there.

"i forgot to tell you that im your personal nurse- i dont have any other patients rather than you." she said as she walked closer to you.

"huh? why is that? is that like a normal thing that happens here? i thought nurses usually have multiple people to check up on." you questioned her.

"yeah, we usually do have many patients. but it was an order directly from the supreme leader, so...."

your heart stopped.

"from the supreme leader?" you gulped.

"mhm." she nodded her head as she lifted your arm and looked at it- typing something down.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now