ix (ix)

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"why do you have guards following me around? i mean, i like them...but i dont even need them. you are preventing them from doing like a real job or something." you explained to kylo.

"because you are a force-user, and we dont necessarily...trust you."

"wow. i am deeply offended right now. and to believe that a couple of hours ago i was actually talking about how i was glad that i was kidnapped." you scoffed.

"you said what?" kylo asked, he was starting to think that you were the crazy one.

"it doesn't matter. can you make them like...go away or something? have them do a assignment that is productive?"

kylo was a bit skeptical about the idea at first. but, you haven't tried anything on anyone yet and if you were telling the truth just now, you said that you liked it here. "fine. but if you try anything, they are returning quicker than you can say alderaan."

"okay. that is fine with me. also, can you give me a job? i am so damn bored and i just got here!"

"did you just ask for a job? dang, you seriously are crazy..."

"says the one who ruined their helmet and a full elevator!"

"how did you know that stalker?"

" i have eyes you twerp i saw the mess you made while i was walking back to my room."

"oh, well okay. i guess i could give you a job...like every other day. we have some open jobs in the custodian area-"

"that's great! i will take it. anything is better than drowning in my own thoughts in here. i can start like tomorrow if you want!"

"calm down. and sure, i will arrange something for you."

"yay yay yay!" with that, you got up and started doing a happy dance. you were glad that you were getting this opportunity. some people might say that being a custodian is lame or whatever, but you were grateful for it.

kylo watched as you dance around the room. he is amused on how happy you were. he has never seen anyone be like this over a simple job. most peope would actually complain about it.

after getting a bit tired from dancing around, you dropped back onto the bed where kylo was. "my dancing was pretty spectacular, dont you think?"

"sure stinkhole. it was amazing" kylo rolled his eyes.

"you are probably just jealous you cant dance like me" you pointed to yourself as you stood back up.

"you are really annoying y/n. dont you have anyone else to bother."

"no, not really. you are my only some-what friend on this ship. now that i say that, it sounds bizarre. i should actually be hating you right now, but i just...dont. well, i guess you could say peter and wyatt are my friends but-"

"peter and wyatt?! who are they?!" after hearing these 2 names, kylo got extremely mad...almost jealous.

"calm your balls ren. they are just the 2 troopers that followed me around. i gave them names because i dont like saying their code names. dont go off and like kill them, jeez..."

kylo was baffled on why he even got livid over hearing the names. it wasnt like he even knew you that well, so why was he getting resentful?

a knock on the door interrupted the short silence that came. you walked over to the door and was greeted by wyatt and peter.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now