xix (lvii)

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immediately after the ship you and ben were in broke through the atmosphere of whatever planet, a sense of warmth, ease, and familiarity hit you.

"i feel like ive been to this place before, but i dont recognize this area." you said to him as he slowly began lowering the ship.

there were many buildings- beautiful buildings, and lots of people scattered everywhere. it was a breathtaking view to say the least- the entire planet looked like perfection.

"hm, that's interesting" he replied as the large city-ish part started to move farther and farther away, and a more nature-filled part came into your vision.

it wasnt the same as ajan kloss, but somewhat similar. there were more bodies of water here, and not as large forests either. the more you looked, the more the name of the planet started to form on your tongue.

"ben, when are you going to tell me where we are?" you asked, hoping he would just tell you so you wouldnt have to use your brain too much.

"you'll find out soon. in the meantime, close your eyes so nothing is spoiled." he smiled as the ship was close to landing.

"no." you replied to him.

"dont make me do it for you."

"you are annoying." you groaned as you listened to what he told you to do. you felt the ship land, then suddenly you were picked up from your seat and carried out bridal style. "hurry up, i dont like being carried as if im a little baby."

"aw, do you want me to walk slower?" ben teased as you lightly slapped his shoulder.

"dont you dare." you threatened as you felt his pace begin to slow. "stop it!"

"okay okay, we are almost there dont worry." he said as he kissed the side of your head.

he kept walking for a few more minutes, and your patience was wearing out. "can i open my eyes yet?"

"not just yet, i want to see your initial expression"

"oh my stars, fine." you rolled your eyes even though they were shut, and you felt him come to a stop.

he set you down in what felt like grass, and a faint noise of what sounded like a waterfall was heard. "okay, on the count of 3 open em."

"alright..." you sighed.

"1....2....3!" ben said and you immediately gasped.

absolutely staggering, astonishing- you couldnt even put into words how wonderful the scenery was. there were multiple huge, gorgeous waterfalls that all fed into a miniature pond, which eventually led to a river.

the water was glistening under the warm sun, with a greenish blue tint to it. the waterfalls surrounded vast meadows that were filled with various colorful flowers. there were these strange looking animals roaming around, but they seemed pretty harmless so you didnt pay much attention to them.

what really made your heart melt was the small picnic set-up that was in the center. you quickly ran over and the tears almost started pouring right then and there. "nobody has ever done something like this for me...ever."

you knew that ben had finally reached where you were standing, so you quickly gave him a big hug. "well, i guess that has changed...right?"

"thank you, i adore it." your answer was muffled due to your face being stuffed into his chest. you let go and plopped right onto the soft blanket that was carefully laid down. ben did the same thing and sat right across from you. "how did you do this...you know, since we pretty much spontaneously came here without a plan?"

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