xi (xlix)

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black- all you saw was black.

"hello?" you called out to the darkness that you were surrounded with. you werent sure uf you would get a response, but you sure as hell were going to try. you had never been in or near such...nothingness in your life before.

nothingness. that is what it felt like.

you were confused at how you could even see anything, it was almost like you had a light above your head that was allowing you to see the mysterious color circle around you.

well, you were necessarily seeing anything, but..you were at the same time. you stood in the same spot for what felt like 15 minutes- just staring out infront of you, almost like you were waiting for something or someone to appear.

you hadnt a clue what was even going on. why were you in this...place? was this even a place? you started to panic a little, but decided to calm yourself because you knew your nerves would only make things worse.

you were afraid that if you took a step forward, you would fall into the ground- if there even was one.

"stop being such a pussy bitch and just do it." you told yourself as you lifted your right foot and positioned it so that it would move forward- like you were taking a step.

you noticed that you werent even wearing shoes, so you grabbed onto the clothing you were wearing and got even more puzzled.

a beige gown?

"what the fuck is this shit? oh my goodness, get me out of here- this is hideous!"

you put your foot down slowly, kind of like you were dipping your foot into some water to test it out. much to your liking, the surface you were on did not in fact consume you or disappear.

you let out a deep breath you didn't realize you were holding, and continued walking forward. it wasnt like you knew where you were going, but it just felt right to keep moving.

just as you were about to take another step, you hear a small muffled sound come from the right side of where you were standing. you instinctively turned your head that direction, but saw nothing different- just black.

"this is so wack, i  swear if i die her- oh my galaxy! i am already dea-" you said out loud to yourself, not expecting any sort of reply.

"you arent dead." a man who sounded roughly around 20..23 said back to you.

you tried to search the area from where the comment came from, but it was no help. it was like the air was talking to you or something.

"who are you? i cant see you at all."

"that doesnt matter. but y/n, it is time to go now. go back to ben, help him. we believe in you, okay?"

"we? huh? and what do you mean? i literally just got here...whatever this dang place is." you muttered the last part.

you didnt even bother following up on your other question of trying to find this persons identity because weird things have been happening to you ever since you were taken.

holy shit, you were taken.

you totally forgot that kylo pretty much kidnapped jaxx and you like...jeez, a year ago?

you were snapped out of your thoughts when the voice suddenly spoke up once again. "you'll see, but...may the force be with you."

before you could reply, a glowing door suddenly appeared right infront of you.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now