xvii (xvii)

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the morning after, you woke rather early. you were glad to see that you and kylo were still in the same position the 2 of you fell asleep in- with his arms wrapped around you and your body nestled up next to his. you grabbed his hands and unlatched them from your body, applying just enough pressure so that he wouldnt wake up. you decided that you were going to leave his room before he realized to avoid any awkwardness in the morning. you put on the slippers that you can in and headed out the door. you still had that large smile on your face from last night. you couldnt stop thinking about how amazing it felt to have him so close to you.

when kylo woke up, he noticed that you were gone. he would be lying if he said that he wasnt a bit annoyed that you left, but he couldnt go after you now. he decided to just start getting ready for the day and try to ignore the little thing that was bothering him. instead, he came to the conclusion to simply focus on the fact that he got the chance to hold you in his arms. now, he couldnt stop thinking about how amazing it felt to have you so close to him.

it had been a month since that whole galaxy-shaking situation. since then, the 2 of you have grown somewhat closer. you started hanging out more and more with him, causing your time with jaxx, etta, and piers to decrease a lot. when you did end up hang out with them, they didnt mention it- so maybe they didnt care too much?

your skills with the force had grown an extraordinary amount. you were luckily a fast learner with the force, causing training to become easier and easier each time since kylo started focusing more on that than physical stuff. though it had only been a month, you now were able to probe, do mindtricks, and forcechoke. you loved the power you felt when you used the force. it made you feel alive and free. jaxx on the other hand seemed to be struggling a tiny bit with using the force. he was okay with it, but he was better at the more physical things kylo made you 2 do. you could tell that this made jaxx a bit mad, but he tried to hide it. so during the nights, you assisted your brother a bit more. this helped him out a lot, and both of you could tell.

the day had been a long one and you were as tired as could be. almost instantly after hitting your head on the pillow, you were passed out.

most of the time, you didnt really have dreams. when you did, they were just stupid ones like you and your brother playing out somewhere or you riding a bantha. but this night, it was something different. it was almost like it wasnt a dream. it felt like it was real life- like it was a vision.

you saw a more aged version of your mom,dad, and twin siblings being pulled onto what looked like a first order ship by stormtroopers. your family was screaming and fighting to be let go of, but it didnt get them anywhere. it almost felt as if you could feel the spit that they were producing from screaming so loud on your skin. it almost felt as if you were physically there, and that scared the crap out of you.

you woke up struggling to breathe with tears in your eyes. you were drenched in sweat and your body was shaking profusely. even though it was the middle of the night, you decided to just take a shower and try to rid your memory of the things you saw while sleeping.

you couldnt bring yourself to call it a dream because deep down...you felt, no you knew, that that was not a dream. you got out of the steaming bathroom and changed into fresh clothes. the entire time you were getting ready, you couldnt get the images out of your head. you knew that the only person that would be able to mark your vision as true or false was kylo. so you came to the conclusion that you would go over to his room to ask him. it wasnt like he was going to be doing anything...right?

you made your way over to his room and found that his door was locked. his room was rarely ever locked for some reason, so you found it odd that it was right now. you tried again to see if it was just jammed, but it was definitely locked. your mind was racing to get his answer to your question, so you decided to just use the force to open the door. you walked in and your eyes immediately went wide.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now