v (xliii)

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while walking down the hall, kylo recognized the officer that he had previously asked for them to get the stormtroopers id's really quickly. he knew that hux must've used only a small group of people in his plan because he wasnt completely stupid, and kylo was determined to find every single one of them.

when the officer saw kylo, they instantly picked up their pace and was in front of the supreme leader within seconds. kylo knew that this probably meant that they had information, so he gave them a small nod, telling them to start talking immediately.

"cc-5380 and hz-2059 were the only troopers that entered that hangar the entire day, sir."

"okay." kylo sent them a respected look in response to their information. "i want both of them to be locked up in cell 7 together, but at opposite sides of the room. have them already on the interrogation slabs when i arrive.

the officer was a bit puzzled, but didn't question anything. "right away, sir."

kylo saw them turn of their heals as they walked the opposite direction as him. he knew that the stormtroopers werent going to be locked up immediately, so he decided that he was just going to go back to the medbay.

"there isnt anything else to do, this is the only reason why we are going here." kylo told himself, knowing that he actually had lots of other things to do- yet he only wanted to focus on you for the time being. he started heading for the infirmary when he saw a pair of people that he hadnt seen in a very long time.

"etta and piers?" both of them whipping their heads around to face kylo.

"oh hey kyl-" piers started to say until etta slapped the back of his arm, signaling to not talk to him like that. "i mea- yes, supreme leader?"

"y/n is back, but she is also in the infirmary." kylo got straight to the point this time. he didn't do that with jaxx for some obvious reasons, so he did it this time around because it made him feel like an actual adult. he knew that both etta and piers cared for you a lot, and he knew that if your arrival circumstances werent the way they were- they would've been one of the first ones you would have visited.

"w...why?" etta asked, face becoming apparent with worry.

"she was-" kylo took a little bit to figure out how to word it without telling the 2 people too much information. he didnt trust them, and the only reason why he even knew them in the first place was because of you. "attacked"

when he finally came up with the word, he left out a small breath as he heard etta gasp.

"attacked? what do you mean attacked? can we go see her?" she asked as she looked over at piers who just like her, had a very worried expression.

"no-not right now." he simply answered. he knew that they would listen to him- unlike jaxx, so there was no need to elaborate on it anymore.

"oh, okay. will she be okay?" piers asked.

"yes." kylo tried to sound as confident as possible, but the truth was- he was scared.

he was scared that you werent going to pull through, but he also knew that you were one hell of a strong woman.

"well, thank you for telling us. let us know when it is okay to go see her." etta stepped in before there was a awkward silence between the 3 of them.

they both walked away and kylo resumed his walk to the medbay.

"supreme leader, how can i help you?" the lady in the fron- aubree, aubree said to him.

"how is she?"

the woman knew exactly who he was talking about. she instantly grabbed her datapad and searched up your information. "as of right now- no changes. since the last time you came here, we have put her in a medically induced coma so that her body didnt shut down. she is..she is in critical condition. we have found out that some of the cut wounds actually penetrated through some vital organs, causing some servere internal bleeding. some of the bullet wounds were starting to get infected when she first arrived, but we have taken care of that issue for the most part. she still has some, but not as many as before. b-"

"she will survive, correct?"

the woman gave kylo a hesitant look before replying to him, "time will tell."

hearing these words caused kylo to become a bit angered. "no, time will not tell. you all will do whatever it takes to keep her alive and healing. i want daily updates on her condition and only the people whose names are  jaxx, etta, and piers are allowed as visitors- no exceptions at all."

"i- yes, of course supreme leader." she said back to him.

"good." kylo said before walking off into the medbay hallway, looking for your room. he barely remembered where it was located, but it didnt take him long at all, and when he reached for the door- he took in a deep breath.

when he walked in, his breath hitched. he immediately shut the door and went to your bedside. this time around, you were connected to more tubes and machines than kylo could count on his fingers. he looked over at the specific one that stated your heart rate, and it looked pretty steady and calm.

he felt...tears forming in his eyes? he despised, hated, every single negative word in the dictionary, seeing you like this. it made him mad that you had to suffer through this. it made him mad that he didnt prevent this entire thing from happening, but he was greatful that the force helped him sense your pain at just the right time.

hm, the force.

the force, could it...no. wait, maybe.

kylo dashed over to the door but before he opened it, he quickly rushed back over to you.

"i will be back, y/n- dont worry. you are going to be fine, and i possibly found a somewhat solution to help you heal completely. well, at least help you a little bit." kylo gave your body a small smile before giving the side of your head a small kiss.

he exited the room and started making his way back to his quarters with determination and speed. he opened the door and immediately walked over to his desk that had some books located there.

he grabbed a certain one and started to skim the pages, trying to find his topic as quick as possible. "force healing...force healing...hm, there it is."


authors note

i hope you enjoyed! please vote and comment if you want to :)) i dont really have much medical knowledge lmaodjbrjr so sorry if i messed some of that stuff up. i literally only know the symptoms of a stroke because of greys anatomy winfiekr anyways chile- i wrote this while i was like half asleep so it definitely isnt my best work btw lol gang gang bye


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