viii (viii)

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you woke up feeling more refreshed than ever. this was the most sleep you have gotten in years. ever since your family left, you had to wake up way too early for your liking because you had to look after jaxx. standing up from your bed, you became to stretch- a habit that you had ever since you were 10. it was a great way to start the day and it always felt good.

you walked over to the bathroom and shut the door. you started stripping your clothes and hopped into the humongous shower. the cold water made you jump back, causing you to fix the water temperature. you loved taking burning hot showers, you never understood how people liked cold ones. reaching your hand over to the water, you felt the water and realized it was just perfect. you started to look for the shampoo and conditioner, and you found it right away. you opened the shampoo first, squirting some on your hand. you put your hand up to your nose and almost passed out.

the shampoo smelled like nothing you have ever smelt before. it was hard to reminded you of...happiness? you started massaging it into your scalp, then running your hair under the water.

"from now on, i am going to be smelling like i came straight from heaven!" you spoke out loud.

you then used the conditioner that smelled the same as the shampoo. you were extremely extremely happy. just because of shampoo and conditioner? you washed your body with some bodywash that was in the shower, lathering it onto a nearby washcloth. you turned the shower off and reached for your towel. you wrapped yourself up and walked over to the sink.

you took your sweet time getting ready. it wasnt like you were in a rush or anything. you finally exited the bathroom after 30 minutes. you walked over to your closet- this is where the fun began.

you tried on multiple outfits, each one being different from the other. you felt pure joy doing this, you felt almost like a kid in a candy store. finally settling on a grey sweater and a pair of black jeans, you headed over to the vanity in the room.

you picked up the hairbrush and styled your hair into a neat braid. you then put some perfume and chapstick on, then went back over to your bed.

you decided to actually make it for once, seeing as you had no other things to do. you did it as neat as possible then headed out the door. you didnt really know where you were heading, but you just knew that you were starving and that you couldnt handle it anymore. opening the door, you were greeted by 2 stormtroopers.

"peter? wyatt? what are you doing here? do you like live outside of my door?"

"kind of. our assignment is to be with you at all times pretty much." wyatt explained to you.

"hm. that is strange. whatever, lets go get some food? i am starving right now."

"me too. i havent eaten in forever." peter said to you, leading the way to the cafeteria.

arriving at the cafeteria, you could hear the chattering from outside the door. when wyatt opened it, everyone went silent. was something wrong with your outfit? was it your hair? dang it, you knew the braid looked werid with the outfit.

as you walked over to get your food, the silence disappeared and the chatting continued. this relieved you a bit. maybe it wasnt your hair? grabbing whatever food your heart desired, peter then guided you to a table near the back.

him and wyatt both took off their stormtroopers masks and you were confused for some reason. why did you think that they could eat with their masks on?

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now