vii (xxvi)

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"supreme leader, we are grateful of your presence." a man- a general, kylo assumed,  spoke to kylo.

"what is so urgent that i wasn't notified about any of these meetings?" kylo snapped back.

"well, we have some special plans that have been brought to our attention that we would like to share as soon as possible."

"what kind of plans?" kylo felt his blood start to boil. when did these people ever make plans without his approval?

"we...we want to go after luke skywalker. there is no point in waiti-"

"why did you make plans without me?" kylo was still hung up on the fact.

"we weren't the ones th- i mean, im sorry supreme leader."

kylo was confused about what was going on. something was up, and it wasnt going to take him long to figure it out. but for the meantime, he was invested in hearing these plans that they started.

"tell me. explain to me what you have come up with." he stated as he saw hux sit down- he then did the same.

another person that was sitting around the table spoke up, "like general kolan said, there is no reason to just wait around to attack skywaker. we know his location and it doesnt seem as if he has left the island. for all we know, he is training another je-"

"finish your sentence and you wouldnt live to see another star." kylo seethed.

"sorry comman-" kylo had enough of this foolish personnel. he force choked them until he could see the veins in their face popped out. he swiftly let go and the person dropped to the ground, gasping for air.

"do not call me by the wrong title ever again okay? now, is anyone going to actually explain the project?" kylo asked with annoyance.

"you and the best squad of stormtroopers that we have available will fly over to his island. we are almost certain that he is all alone on it- so it wont be too difficult to execute him. we should be done within...15 minutes of our arrival on the planet. it isnt like he has his own army or weapons right? all the old man has is a lightsaber." a general said. kylo was glad that they got right to the point and illustrated it quickly and without any problems communicating.

"i see." he simply said. he really liked the idea, he himself was surprised that he hasnt attacked his uncle yet. he put so much time and effort to find him, that when they actually got a hold of his location...they just forgot about it in a way. kylo was just too distracted to go after the man, and right now he wasnt busy at all. in fact, he was thirsty for blood.

"when shall we start this mission?" hux questioned. this was his first time talking since him and kylo walked in, which confused kylo even more.

usually, hux was asking millions of questions and criticizing others ideas. but this time, he was simply going along with it.

"as soon as we can get the squad together and weapons in place. it shouldn't take long at all, so we will alert you when the time comes." the general said.

"okay. this assembly is dismissed." hux announced, everyone rushing out of the room.

kylo was taken aback from how this particular meeting went. usually there was arguing, disagreeing- that kind of stuff. but this time, it sounded almost too good to be true: everyone listening patiently and agreeing almost instantly. kylo saw the general the so-called general kolan exiting the door.

"general kolan, come here for a second."

"ye....yes supreme leader." he said with fear in his eyes.

"what did you mean when you said that you werent the ones that made the plans?"

"i never sa-"

"dont lie to me. if i really wanted to, i could force the information out of your mind- and that would be painful. or, you could just comply with your organizations leader- which would be much simpler." kylo stated. he wasnt in the mood for games right now, and definitely not liars.

"fin...fine. general hux ordered for us to act as if we set up an emergency meeting and that we were the ones to come up with this luke skywalker hunt thingy. in reality, it was all his ideas- not us. it isnt that i dont want to kill skywalker, but this wasnt our plan to begin with. i dont know why hux didnt just present it as his own, it is a good plan and i doubt that you would disagree wit-"

"do not act as if you know what i would agree and disagree with." kylo said. he was shocked at what this general was telling him. he believed the guy-it was obvious he was telling the truth, but kylo was blown away at the information.

why would hux do such a thing? kolan was right, it wasnt like kylo would disagree with the concept. but, it was strange that the general would pull such a thing.

"you are dismissed, general kolan." kylo heard the footsteps of the frightened man walk away.

kylo needed time to process and evaluate this. should he continue on with the plan, even though the way it was presented to him was fishy? was it even a good plan, now that he really thought about it?

kylo walked out of the conference room and went over to the control room. he knew that the ginger would be there- he always was. when he arrived, he immediately saw the man with the straightest posture standing in the room. hux immediately whipped him head around and walked over to kylo.

"supreme leader, to what do i owe the pleasure?"

"why did you make the other personnels act as if that was there plan?" hux suddenly felt his heart drop, but didnt show any sign of it on his face.

"what are you talking about?" hux said with a straight face.

"you know exactly what i am talking about. stop playing dumb like you always do, and answer my question." kylo was started to get real angry, real fast.

hux needed to come with a little white lie. he didnt need kylo to become anymore suspicious then he already was, because he didnt need him finding out the real reason to all of this.

"i knew that you weren't going to agree with the idea since it was coming from me, so i told them to act as if they were the ones to create it." hux said, as he proudly smiled internally because of how fast he was able to come up with an excuse.

kylo almost completely believed hux, but something was telling him otherwise. it was extremely unusual to have hux go to someone else to suggest an idea of his because hux was very vocal about everything that appeared in his little mind.

"okay then." kylo walked away. kylo was too busy to continue thinking about the feeling of hux lying, because he was too focused on the idea of getting lukes blood on his hands.

he finally had something to...motivate him. to have something to look forward to- killing his own jedi uncle.


authors note

i have finally gotten some more ideas for part 2, so i am glad to say that the plot is going to be getting way way better from now on! im extremely sorry for how slow the previous chapters have been, as i have stated before- i was having problems coming up with ideas. thankfully, that is not the cause anymore- which means better writing!! i apologize once again about the short chapters, they will become lengthy one again...just you wait! thank you for all of the votes and reads- i appreciate it so so much <33


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