iii (iii)

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"mom? dad? nixon and nora? jaxx? where are you guys?" you said with a sleepy tone because it was 3 am in the morning. the only reason you were awake was because you heard a loud noise that woke you up. walking over to your parents room, you knocked on the door- only to hear no response. you knew that your whole family, (including you) were light sleepers, so you knew for a fact that they would've heard the noise and came out of their rooms, but nobody did- except for jaxx.

"hey j, where is mom and dad?" you asked your brother. he looked like he was about to fall asleep just standing there.

"i-i dont know. i heard a noise and i was about to go to mom and dad's room to see if they heard it too." he explained to you as he yawned.

"oh, well i heard it as well and i had the same idea as you. i went to their room and got no response." you said, starting to get a bit anxious as to why the rest of your family (except jaxx) has mysterious disappeared. "well i am going to go downstairs and see if they are down there. you never know... but, you go back to bed jaxx. i will see you tomorrow." you said to him, before he turned around back to his bedroom.

"where in the world are they?" you muttered to yourself as you walked down the stairs. when you stepped down onto the 1st floor, you saw a figure dash over to the back door. the person left something behind on the counter, but you didnt care to check what they left, you just cared on why the back door was open, why the rest of your family vanished, and why the person just left something on the table then went out the door. you chased after the man/woman, only for your eyes to go wide at what you saw.

"what...what are you guys doing?" you said as you felt your body tense up. "why are you all on a speeder with luggage?"

your whole family, except jaxx, stood dead in their tracks, looking at one another then back at you. the look on their faces looked as if they had been caught. your mom was the first one to speak up.

"honey, we...we are going to be leaving for a bit. i am going to need you to take care of jaxx. i have left you some money-"

"you are leaving and you arent taking jaxx and i? where are you even going? we have already gone on our vacation and-" you cut yourself off as you realized what was happening. "y-you are leaving. you are leaving me. you are leaving jaxx. you are leaving us. w-why?"

you heard your mom gulp, causing you to tense up even more, fighting the urge to cry. you were confused (and hurt) on why they were leaving.

"this is for jaxx and yours own good. i- im sorry hunny. i didnt mean to wake you up and have you see us out here." she said as you could feel a tear slip down your cheek.

"ow-own good? what could you possibly mean? and...and you were going to leave without even saying goodbye? what is even going on?" you questioned as you started to step away from them. you could feel your heart shattering into a thousand pieces. your family was your galaxy. you loved them with all you got, and here they were, standing infront of you...leaving you.

"we need to get going love" you heard your dad say from inside the speeder. he tried to avoid eye contact with you, but he failed for a split second.

"c-coward. you cant even look your own daughter in the eye while you abandon her? leave her all alone on this planet to care for your own 5 year old son while she is only 19?" you said only above a whisper. you were a bit shocked on how he was able to hear you from where he was, but you didnt care. you just wanted some type of answer.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now