iv (xxiii)

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you were standing infront of kylo with the same clothing you were wearing that night when he started confessing his love for you.

is this a dream?

he was starting to say the 3 words that caused your breakdown, but this time- you werent afraid. you werent scared, or fearful, or worried the tinniest bit. you were actually...happy. happy that he was finally saying it, happy because this is what you wanted.

what is happening?

the tear that slipped on that dreadful night never made an appearance, which caused kylo to actually finish his sentence. without hesitation, you responded with something that shocked you even more-

"i love you too."

suddenly, you were hugging kylo tightly as he whispered in your ear-

"we are going to get through this, my sparkling diamond."

he let go and placed a heartfelt kiss on your lips. you kissed him back with such passion, it blew you away. in this moment, you felt nothing but bliss, enjoyment, and...love.

all of a sudden, your eyes shot open and you were gasping for air.

so it was a dream. it was a dream showing how things could have ended that night. how you wanted things to end.

when you calmed down, you sat up on your bed. all you could think about was how you could still feel the love from that fantasy in your bones. your adrenaline was up like crazy, making your heart pump louder than ever.

you found yourself starting to tear up at the thought.

you ruined it. you could have had it. you could have had it good.

"no." you said out loud.

you started to remember what luke told you- "you can not blame yourself for any of it, that is one of the most important parts of recovering from it all."

you took in some more deep breathes and started repeating to yourself over and over, "none of this is your fault, everything happens for a reason. none of this is your fault, everything happens for a reas-"

"y/n?" you turned around and saw luke standing infront of you.

"hi. hi luke." you said as you wiped the tears away.

"is everything alright over here?"

"yep. ju...just listening to what you said, to not blame yourself for any of it."

"in the middle of the night?" he questioned.

"yeah, i guess so."

"well if y-" you cut him off.

"have you ever loved someone luke?"

"i- yes. yes i have."

"have they ever broken your heart?"

luke had to think about this one. "possibly...maybe."

"well have you ever broken someones heart?"

"i dont think so." he responded. he didnt know what you were getting at, but he hoped to find out soon.

"have you ever broken someone's heart, but broke your own at the same time?"

"y/n...what are you even saying?"

"i...i dont know." you honestly had no clue. you were so shook up from the dream you had, that your brain was running at full speed with questions and thoughts and-

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now