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it has been a week since you last saw kylo and your little interaction with your brother. since then, you sort of fell into a routine on the days you worked. kylo arranged so that you had work every other day instead of everyday for some reason, but it didnt really bother you. you would wake up, get ready for the day, make your bed, head to the cafeteria for some food, then report to your duties. work wasnt always the best, but it was something to do.

you werent very close with any of the other custodians, they all kept to themselves for the most part. you tried to become friends with them, but they kind of rejected you in a sense.

today was your off day, and you decided to do some exploring. you hadnt done any yet because you were busy getting used to living on the ship. you grew to become very fond of your lifestyle, but you needed to mix it up here and there.

you threw on some black leggings and a white hoodie and headed out the door. you didnt have a clue where you were going, you just let your feet lead the way.

you ended up to what seemed to be the infirmary of the ship. there were doctors and nurses everywhere, running around from patient to patient.

"can i help you ma'am?"

you turned your head over to the secretary that was next to you. she looked around your age and had vibrant red hair.

"oh, hello! i am just roaming the ship right now, i am not injuried or anything. sorry if it seemed that way."

"no worries. tell me if you need anything though."

"thank you! this may sound weird, but do you have maps of the ship or something? i am so lost right now!" you laughed.

"im apologize, but we dont. when i first came aboard, i wished the same thing. after a while, you just learn your way around. if you are trying to get to a specific place, i am can help you though" she smiled to you.

"ah, that sucks. i dont really have a set destination, but thank you for offering. and, what is your name? mine is y/n."

"what a pretty name! mine is aubree."

"aubree! oh, i love that name. well, i hope to see you around sometime. and by the way, your hair is beautiful!" you exclaimed to her. you really did love her hair color, you have never seen anything like it.

"i appreciate it! and same to you."

with that, you turned around and headed even deeper into the ship.

"kylo ren. to what do i owe the pleasure?"

"supreme leader snoke." kylo ren kneeled in front of snoke.

"what brings you here? i have not scheduled a meeting, and we have just met a week ago if i recall."

"i needed to inform you on some topics." kylo simply stated.

"go on, my apprentice."

"my squad and i captured 2 force-sensitive siblings about a week ag-"

"a week ago?! you are just now telling me this now?" snoke yelled. kylo regret not telling him sooner.

"i apologize master."


"i think that they will be of great benefit to us. both seem to be leaning to the dark side, and i have barely even tried turning them. i think this will be great for the order. they are both extremely powerful, i can sense it."

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now