iv (xlii)

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"what is your name?" kylo asked the lady that greeted him when he first arrived at the infirmary- the one who recognized you.

"a...aubree. it is aubree, supreme leader."

"how do you know y/n?"

"oh, she...she came down here to the medbay one day- said she was exploring the ship. we exchanged names and all that stuff- she is a very friendly person." the woman whose name was aubree said to kylo, putting air quotes around the words 'exploring the ship'.

kylo wasn't surprised that you were exploring, it was definitely in character for you to do that. but, he knew that there was more.

like how did you know that nurse as well? kylo knew that it wasnt some type of coincidence or something. he gave the woman a sort of...look, and she knew lying wasnt the way to go. it wasnt really like there was any reason to lie though- it wasnt some type of big secret or anything. "she also came here to get some type of burn treated."

burn? how could you have gotten a burn?

"and a nurse named kylie treated her, correct?"

"yes" she nodded her head quickly.

"what type of burn was it?" kylo curiously asked. there werent many ways to get burned on the finalizer, so you coming here under those circumstances where strange.

the woman went under her desk and pulled out a datapad. she typed something in and must have found what she was looking for. "ah-ha! y/n y/l/n" she mumbled something that kylo couldnt understand, "treatment- antibiotics and ointment, reason for visit- burn wound." the woman looked a bit closer at the device and said, "it looks like the nurse put in the comments that it looked like a lightsaber wound."

kylo heart dropped. for the most part, nobody owned or was even near a lightsaber except...except himself.

he rushed out if the medbay and starting speedwalking to..well he didnt know. he just let his feet guide him because he was too busy thinking.

did he do this? was he the one who hurt you with a lightsaber?

he didnt recall doing such a thing, then he remembered- his breakdown.

his mind almost completely blocked out that memory for at least a couple of months, so he wasnt shocked that it wasnt the first thing to come to mind. he started to think back to his lightsaber coming into contact with your skin for a split second.

he avoided thinking about that memory because it was a memory of how weak he can be sometimes. he didnt need that stuff in his mind, so he would just shut it out. but now, it kept replaying in his mind.

you asking him what was wrong when you first entered. you refusing to leave the room without knowing he was okay. you looking down at the burn that he gave you. you pulling him into a heartfelt hug. you and him falling onto the ground as he sobbed into you. you comforting him as you stroked his head with ease. you leaving as quietly as you came in.

the memory brought kylos mind deeper into his conflicted. remembering this past event definitely made kylo rethink what he was doing to himself- him trying to avoid and not think of you.

he suddenly found himself at a hangar that had a single tie fighter in the middle. this wasnt common in hangars, especially the fact that nobody was in it- not even a stormtrooper was in sight.

he walked over to the fighter, but before he reached it, he saw something in the corner of his eye. he turned his body so that he could face it, and was puzzled at what he saw.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now