xviii (lvi)

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she felt it. she felt him through the force.

"general? are you okay?" poe asked leia as he could clearly see that she was in a state of... shock? agony? he couldnt really tell which one exactly, but something was going on.

as general organa took a seat in a nearby chair, poe sat down next to her. "ben." she simply stated.

"huh? whats going on?" poe questioned.

she shut her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. a small smile began forming on her lips. "lower the shields, and let the ship pass through." she ordered.

poe was confused, but decided to not ask anymore questions. he knew she would probably explain later, or he would eventually just find out. "right away."

as you looked over and saw kylo readying the ship for lightspeed, a sort of...epiphany occured to you in the moment.

the man you were looking at was not kylo ren anymore. instead, it was ben- ben solo.

"ben is kylos real name. kylo is not his true identity, it is all a... it's fake. it is a way for ben to cover up his pain. kylo ren uses bens pain and turns it into anger, that is why he is so brutal- he has so much pain in him." luke explained.

"you alright?" ben asked you. he could see that you were stuck in your thoughts once again, so he decided to help you out.

"im great" you smiled, "just...reminiscing on something someone told me a bit ago."

the man next to you was no longer trying to shield nor hide his true self. he was now...free.

free from the overwhelming darkness. free from the horrible organization named the first order. he was free, and you both knew it.

"im about to make the jump, you might want to hold on to something." he encouraged.

you increased your grip on the armrest slightly, and within 2 blinks you were infront of a green looking planet.

"woah, what is this planet?" you asked him as your eyes widened.

"moon" he corrected you, "but it is ajan kloss."

you felt like you had recognized the name somehow, but you couldnt quite remember how. "ajan kloss...hm, i feel l-" then it hit you out of nowhere. "is this the resista-"

"ye..yeah." ben breathed out.

the way he found where it was was by after all these years, finally reaching out through the force for his mother. it felt good doing it, and he was pleased that he could do it so easily.

you grabbed ahold of his hand and smiled up at him. "okay."

there was no trouble getting into the atmosphere, so ben came to the conclusion that leia felt it as well.

"this place is beautiful, it almost reminds me of-" you gulped and then continued on, "of endor."

the memories of your family came back, and you suddenly felt a small rumble of the ship. "hey, everything has worked out so far, dont stress" ben said as he checked the buttons on the ship to make sure everything was fine.

"so far..." you mutteted as you hopped up from your seat.

as he stood up from his seat, you took a look out of the window and all you saw was green. you felt his hand enclose yours, and the 2 of you started walking out of the ship.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now