Wolf King XVI

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Rowing towards the golden ship with King Atlas on board, I found myself becoming angrier and angrier as the time passed by. Why, you might ask? Well... it is because I'm wasting so much fucking energy on rowing this tiny, stupid fucking boat, and I fucking smell like fish ass!

Even worse than smelling like fish ass, when I was looking on at one of the silver ships near King Atlas' golden ship I could see this electric-like explosion of green energy which is so obviously a clear sign that Jingks - who has magic that is green electric-like, is getting closer to attack King Atlas!

Feeling an implosion of motivation, I sped up my rowing as I moved the rowboat closer and closer to the golden ship, cannonballs from the Grand Navy's fleet flying past me as I angled the rowboat to get in the pathway of the golden ship.

When I was perfectly square with the golden ship, I stood up and prepared for boarding - racing to pull out Duumholt I allow the ship to come closer and closer, and taking a step back so I can leap onto the hull of the ship - lodging Duumholt into the hull so I would have leverage, but in the process of doing so it created a large sound.

"What the hell was that?" a knight yells.

And proceeding to climb to the top - my head sticking out from the side, I roll onto the front of the ship and stand up at the bow.

Silence ensued, but it didn't last long.

"It's the Wolf King!" another knight yells.

"Let him onboard!" someone yells from the far back.

I'm already onboard... but whatever!

The Knights of Atlantis quickly responded by making lines upon lines of cannon fodder up and down the deck, separating me from King Atlas and Captain Rukus - who were standing tall by the wheel of the ship.

"I've been waiting for this moment," I smile and hold Duumholt up, "for a very, very long time...:"

"The feeling is mutual, Wolf King!" King Atlas yells. "We Atlanteans have been salivating at the opportunity to get revenge on you for what you did earlier..."

No doubt in my mind that you guys have been wanting revenge.

"...Victory is ensured for Atlantis, even with the defeat of the kraken, our invasion of Seaport and the rest of Orion's shores will be successful!" King Atlas declares. "Majority of our knights have already landed and secured the city, so now it is only a matter of time!"

"Pfffttt..." I chuckle at King Atlas while swinging Duumholt around. "How do you plan on holding it? Don't you know that it won't take long for the Inquisition to take it back?"

"You won't win it back but if you do,," he chirps back, "the Mother Of All Krakens will come - the kraken who has aligned herself with us after the destruction she caused in Atlantis, and there isn't a single Inquisitor capable of stopping her!"

She sounds kind of like a bitch, I won't lie.

"Tell the MOAK this..." I smirk. "Come at me..."

King Atlas chuckles at how cocky I was with my response, while Captain Rukus shook his head.

"You truly are cocky, Wolf King!" King Atlas yells. "Truly, you are a bold--"

From out of nowhere; a cyan head arrow flies down, quieting King Atlas for the moment and confusing the Knights of Atlantis - before exploding in the middle of the defense lines created by the knights.

"What the hell--"

"Where did that come from!" King Atlas yells.

Looking over to my right, I'm able to see Syr; standing proudly as she lowers her bow while the capital ship sailed by, smirking as her shot was perfectly aimed.

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