Part 1

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I knew I'd be sorted into Slytherin, I'd be very surprised if I wasn't. Apparently it was best if I didn't make a big entrance or anything so we did the sorting without any students there.

"Here's your timetable." Snape said handing me a piece of parchment.

I studied it for a second and once I looked up again Snape was gone. I shrugged it off and began to walk the corridors to find my first lesson.

I was a little late to my lesson as I didn't bloody know it wasn't even inside. I followed behind the class, I don't think anyone really paid attention to that I was there.

"Now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books" Hagrid called.

I looked at the copy of The Monster Book of Monsters in my hands.

"Exactly how do we do that?" A voice that sounded cold, spat.

"Stroke the spine of course." I scoffed pushing past the boy, stroking my book as I did so.

I felt his eyes pierce into the back of me.

"Ahh you must be the new girl, another mudblood is it?" The boy laughed and his friends started laughing with him momentarily after.

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around to look at the boy.

"Heh, you have no clue who I am do you... Malfoy." I smirked and raised one eyebrow.

Malfoy looked shocked as to how I knew his name. He was staring at me for a few seconds, must've been trying to think of a come back.

I looked at him and sighed and as if on cue, he thought of one.

"No because I don't waste time knowing filthy mudbloods like yourself." He scoffed, he must think he's on top of the world.

I laughed as I walked ahead, until I spotted Harry Potter. I cringed at the thought of our potential interaction, I mean my father did kill his parents. What the bloody hell do I say to him "oh hiya I'm Y/N Riddle, yeah daughter of who killed your parents, yeah nice to meet you."

He turned around to, facing me. We locked eyes, it's like he heard my thoughts or something. The two next to him a girl and ginger boy -probably a Weasley- turned to face me as well. I could see them whispering, they knew who I was. I raised my eyebrows at them and they all instantly turned around.

I'm not my father, why do I have to be treated like I'm him. I rolled my eyes and jogged up to Harry and his friends.

"Harry Potter." I said grabbing his attention.

Before he could even say a word I got out what I needed to say.

"I know you know who I am and I'm sorry and I want to let you know I'm nothing like my father, I haven't even seen him since I was a baby, I didn't even know he was my father until like a year ago. So please don't treat me like him, don't think I'm like that and I'm not saying let's be best friends or whatever." I said needing to get my point across.

Harry stood silently for a moment obviously processing what I said.

"Okay I suppose we should get to know each other before I judge you on that." He lightly smiled.

I didn't wanna be on their tails so I held back a bit walking behind. I could see Hagrid talking to the girl who was with Harry. Then I heard that voice...

"Oh yeah terrible funny, really witty." Malfoy sneered.

I could hear him chat more shit to annoy Harry, I sighed, Malfoy already getting on my nerves.

"...wait till my father hears Dumbledore has got this oaf teaching classes" Malfoy threatened.

"Oh yeah? Wait till your father hears what you've been calling Vo- you know who's daughter." I said only inches away from Malfoy, yeah he was a little taller than me but doesn't mean I can't be more intimidating.

"Oh please! You're not his daughter. Why would Y/N Riddle come to this school." Malfoy scoffed looking me dead in the eyes.

I heard the ginger boy next to Harry laugh but quickly try and hide it as a cough. Malfoy shot his eyes up to him.

"Shut up Weasley!" He spat, his nose scrunching up as he said his name.

He darted his eyes back to me and looked a bit more confused now.

"Riddle, Y/N Riddle." I smirked holding my hand out to shake his.

He looked down at him hand before taking it.

"And if you still don't believe me, meet me at the astronomy tower tonight and I'll practice some curses on you." I winked before turning away.

"That was bloody brilliant!" The Weasley came up to me and said.

"It was nothing. Mind I ask which Weasley you are?" I smiled.

"Ron." He smiled and we shook hands.

"I'm Hermione Granger, uh you're Slytherin, how come you're being nice to us as standing up against Draco?" Hermione questioned.

"I'm not gonna lick Malfoy's arse just because we're both Slytherin, and I treat people how they treat me, and Malfoy was rude to me first." I said as I shook Hermione's hand.

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