Part 11

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I looked at myself in the mirror, admiring my long black sparkly dress that hugged my curves, I loved it!!
I began to make my way down the stairs where Oliver was waiting for me. I saw his jaw drop as I appeared and... Malfoy's?

"You look stunning!" Oliver said as I took his arm and kissed his cheek and we walked into the hall together.

"Bloody hell Y/N, you look amazing!" Ron complemented me.

"Thank you Ron! I love the dress robes!" I laughed

I danced with Oliver and had a really good time. But Malfoy kept staring at us.

"Why does Draco keep staring?" Oliver asked.

He spun me around so I could see for myself.

"I don't know... I think he's jealous." I laughed and rested my head on Oliver's shoulder.

After the night was almost over, me and Oliver were still dancing together, having fun, until Malfoy pushed past in between us, splitting us up.

"I'm gonna go see what his bloody problem is!" I said to Oliver before kissing his cheek.

I ran out of the hall following him, there were a few girls crying on the stairs which didn't surprise me, it is a ball after all.

"Malfoy!" I called after him.

I followed him all the way up to the astronomy tower, running in bloody heels.

"Malfoy!" I shouted "what is your problem?"

Usually it's him stood behind me on the astronomy tower but this time it's the other way round.

"Draco! Stop ignoring me!" I shouted, now feeling close to tears that he was ignoring me.

He turned to look at me. I realised I have never called him by his first name before, or even said his first name before.

"What's wrong?" I asked again, now stood inches away from him.

"You and Oliver, like rubbing it in my face!" He shouted.

"Rubbing what in your face? That we could dance?" I laughed.

"No!" Draco frustratedly shouted. "He got to go with you!"

I stopped and looked up at him confused.

"You were going with Pansy..." I practically whispered.

"Yeah because I couldn't go with you!" He sighed.

"Oh please Malfoy, stop lying to me, I know you and Pansy are a thing, what she said at Hogsmeade, you're just trying to make me weak and vulnerable aren't you!" I shouted at him.

"What!?" He shouted back.

"Yeah, this was all just another part of your plan, you wanted to make me feel bad so I'd putty in your hand! I hate you Malfoy!" I said and was about to storm downstairs when Draco grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall.

"What did you say?" He whispered but was close enough for me to hear.

"I hate you, Draco Malfoy." I spat, so close to is face, our noses were touching.

Suddenly he connected our lips, kissing me. I instantly kissed back causing him to move his hand to tightly around my neck, still pinning me against the wall. Once we separated for air, I quickly taking off my shoes and running down the stairs.

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