Part 10

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"Riddle!" Malfoy called "Riddle, where have you been, I haven't seen you for days! You missed the first part of the tournament, they had to get eggs from Dragons!" Malfoy explained.

I couldn't tell him where I had been, I couldn't tell anyone.

"Uh I've been helping my mother, back at home." I lied.

I don't think Malfoy actually cared, he was glad I was back so he could annoy me probably.

"What have you gotten up to while I was gone then?" I asked him.

"I was literally just talking to Potter, then bloody, Moody turned me into a ferret and I swear he used that bloody curse on me!" Malfoy exclaimed

"I bet you were annoying Harry, but what he used a curse on you!? are you okay!?" I began to roam my hands on him to check he was alright.

Me and Malfoy made our was to the class, girls were all sat on one side while boys were sat on the other. Filch was on the music while Professor McGonagall was stood in the middle of the room. I glanced across to Malfoy, and he looked back at me.

McGonagall began to explain the Yule Ball to us, the boys all looked bored while most of the girls looked excited. Professor McGonagall called up Ron to demonstrate the dance with her, everyone was laughing. Well, until Professor McGonagall called everyone up to practice the dance. I knew I wasn't gonna get a dance to the actual ball so why would I get a dance while practicing. I stayed sat down and of course Malfoy came over to take the mick out of me.

"come on." He said holding out his hand for me. "I'm not getting a detention because you wont dance with me so you'd better stand up."

I smiled and rolled my eyes at him, grabbing his hand and letting him pull me up.

"You need to put your hands on my waist!" I laughed. He put his hands dangerously low on my hips which caused me to blush. "my waist!"

I held his hands and moved them up to my waist. I really enjoyed just dancing and messing around with him, he would do little mess ups on purpose, making us both laugh.

I sat in the common room, everyone was already getting dates to the Yule Ball and I haven't yet, I don't know if I'll actually go. I thought maybe Malfoy would ask me but he hasn't, he's probably asked Pansy or something.

I walked down to have breakfast and saw Pansy and Malfoy together laughing, it was obvious to me now, he had definitely asked her. If I was gonna go, I had to get a date, and words of advice from Fred Weasley himself, I need to get someone before all the good ones are gone.
Cedric was already going with someone so I couldn't ask him, then I saw, Oliver Wood!

"Oliver!" I called after him.

He stopped and turned to face me.

"Hey, Oliver, do you wanna go to the Yule Ball with me?" I straight up asked.

He looked taken back, like that's not what he was expecting at all.

"Of course!" He smiled widely.

"Okay!" I smiled, biting my lip.

I went to sit back at the table with Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy.

"You seem happy." Malfoy pointed out.

I hummed in agreement, while I continued my breakfast.

Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy had left leaving me and Malfoy, which I think he wanted because as soon as they left he began talking to me.

"So Y/N do you have a date to the Yule Ball?" He asked.

I knew he was trying to tease me about not having a date but matter of fact I do.

"Of course I do, what about you?" I smiled, happy about my date and glad he couldn't tease me.

I swear his face dropped for a second after I answered but it was probably nothing.

"Of course I do." He proudly said.

"Pansy?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about you?" asked Malfoy.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out."said before leaving.

Draco's POV

I can't believe she's already got a date, I was gonna ask her, now I have to go with Pansy, I can't go by myself. I bet she's going with Diggory, there's definitely something going on between them.

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