Part 22

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"Ow Draco! You're hurting me!" I shouted as we entered the common room.

He loosened his grip a bit, which I used to my advantage and slipped from his grip. I began running to my dorm room, thinking Draco couldn't go in, but I was wrong. As he was part of the Squad, he was allowed in.
He pushed me into my room -thank god I didn't fall or that would've been embarrassing- and he closed my door behind him.

"I knew you were a part of it! You blood traitor!" He shouted.

"I'm not really part of it, because I'm bloody stuck with you all the time because you want me to yourself, you don't let me have other friends because you are jealous of the attention I give to them, especially to Harry!" I shout back.

"Oh please, Riddle, you're like a parasite stuck to me, you think I actually care about you? No, I don't care about blood traitors, you're practically a Gryffindor." Draco shouted again.

I felt hurt that he said he didn't care about me, everything we had done together.

"What so everything we've done together just means nothing to you?" I choked, I didn't want to cry in front of him.

Before he could say anything, I ripped the necklace he had given me straight off, and threw it at him.

"Then take this, I swore to never take it off, but clearly it means nothing and I don't want to be weighed down by meaningless items." I spat, holding in tears.

"Us, has nothing to do with this, so stop changing the subject!" Draco spat back.

"You really want to see Umbridge torture me, don't you?" I began to walk closer to Draco. "Why don't you do it yourself, you coward!" I passive aggressively said, only inches away from his face.

I grabbed his hand in which he was holding his wand and pointed it up against my neck.
I noticed Draco looking at the faded bruises on my neck that were from him, giving me hickeys. He lowered his wand and sighed, deeply.

"Coward." I whispered against his lips.

He instantly connected his lips to mine and roughly kissed me. Once I began to kiss back, he pushed me back on to my bed so he was on top of me leaving more bruises on my neck. I moaned into his ear, but I wasn't going to let him get away with this.
I pushed him off me gently, and he looked at me confused.

"You know this means nothing to you." I shook my head before leaving.

"Y/N!" Ron called, he was with Neville, Ginny and Luna. "What happened with you and Malfoy?"

"Oh nothing, he's too much of a coward to do anything to me." I laughed. "How did you get out?"

"Puking pasties." Ron laughed.

"Clever!" I nodded.

It was all over the news, Voldemort is actually back and everyone believes it, I ignore the stares I get, they don't bother me anymore.
I walk to the train by myself, knowing there'd be some sort of conversation with my mum about what's going on when I get home, I really couldn't be bothered for it. I looked down at my hands, not paying attention to whoever sat opposite me. I could feel them staring at me, so I looked up. Ah it was Draco...
He placed his closed hand on the table, and opened it to reveal the necklace he had given me.

"It does mean something." He said.

He moved to sit by me and put the necklace back on for me, around my neck.

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