Part 5

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It was the morning of Hogsmeade, we were all outside being registered to go.

I was stood with Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle, the three were talking amongst themselves when I was thinking of stuff. 
Suddenly Pansy Parkinson comes running towards us.

"Draco! I've been looking for you everywhere." She exclaims, out of breath.

Draco doesn't say anything but just looks at her with a bored expression.

"Be my date to Hogsmeade?" Parkinson quickly says.

We were supposed that bring dates? Eyes wide, I look at Malfoy, laughing but I covered it with a cough.

"Uhh.. I'm going with Y/N!" Malfoy quickly said.

Then with no time to waste he quickly put this hand round my neck and pulled me in and kissed me on the mouth.

I stood in shock, as he pulled away and looked back at Pansy who stormed off in a stropped.
I turned to look at Malfoy. What just happened? 1. He kissed me. 2. He called me by my first name.

I wiped my mouth in disgust.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you!" I shouted at him.

Malfoy wiped his mouth in his sleeve and fake gagged.

"I had to get rid of her!" He shouted in defence.

"Well, kiss Crabbe or Goyle next time. Not me!" I shouted back.

I stayed with Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle as we arrived at Hogsmeade, I saw Hermione and Ron together but didn't want to be a third-wheel, there's definitely feelings between them two.

After we had bought many sweets. We went to get butterbeers.

"So, Draco, have you told Y/N yet?" Pansy said swaggering over to us.

I gave them both a confused look.

"Draco is just using you because of his father, he hates you actually." Pansy smiled.

My confused look turned into a frown, as I turned to look at Malfoy.

"Uh- that's not true!" He staggered slightly.

"Oh really Draco? I've seen the letters you wrote to your father." Pansy smiled before walking away.

I shot a glare at Malfoy.

"Really, Malfoy? Heh I should've known, you'd do anything to please your father and keep up your reputation." I shook my head. "Thinking if you were friends with Voldemort's daughter, you'd look amazing. Or were you scared? Scared I'd tell my father what you called me when I first came here? Tell him you called me a mudblood? You're just a pathetic, scared boy, Malfoy." I stood up from my seat and left before he could say anything.

I should've known... well I did kind of have a feeling, a small feeling which I pushed to the very back of my mind.

I sighed aloud and put my hand to my head.

"You alright Y/N?" Hermione called, Ron by her side.

"Just bloody Malfoy." I sighed again.

"Ah ignore him, why don't you come with us and tell us about what happened." Ron smiled.

I began to walk the other side of Ron, when we were stopped.

"Ahh look at you Ron!" Fred Weasley called.

"Got yourself two girls!" George Weasley finished.

Me and Hermione laughed, while Ron went red with embarrassment.

"I was wondering when I'd see you two!" I smiled to the Weasley twins.

"Pleasure to meet you Riddle!" Fred and George smiled as I shook both their hands.

"Malfoy's been giving her trouble." Ron sighed.

"We'll go hex him for you." Said Fred and George in unison.

We all followed back inside where Malfoy was.

"We heard you've not been nice to Y/N." Fred said to Malfoy.

Malfoy looked at us and spotted me in between Fred and George.

"Aw, Riddle, I thought you were all big and strong with your father being you know who, you have to get someone else to fight your battles for you." Malfoy laughed, nudging Crabbe and Goyle as if it were a cue for them to laugh as well.

"No, I just clearly had to get better friends" I calmly said to him.

"Blood traitor! I wonder what your father would say if he found out you're friends with Mudbloods and Gryffindor's." Malfoy spat, now stood up.

"Oh yeah? And I wonder what your father would say if he found out, how you've been treating Voldemort's daughter." I retaliated.

Everyone was slightly shocked I had said his name, but I didn't care. Now everyone here was looking at us, including Pansy Parkinson who was happy with the chaos she had caused. It was obvious she was jealous of me and wanted Malfoy for herself

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