Part 13

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Even though I had missed the first part of the Triwizard Tournament, I wasn't going to miss the second challenge. I wanted to sit with Hermione and Ron, as I definitely wasn't going to sit with Draco, but I couldn't find them anywhere? I ended up sitting with Oliver instead.
Draco walked past me and Oliver, raising his eyebrows at us and giving us a dirty look. We both just shook it off.
The second challenge, the champions had to get something special of theirs back from the black lake, within an hour.
I watched as the champions all waved, except Harry... who looked like he was going to be sick.

"I'd hate to have to go in that icy water!" Oliver said to me, not taking his eyes off the champions.

"I know, especially in this weather." I agreed.

To be honest I did feel bad for them, they had to be in there for an hour! I could never do that.
The whistle echoed shrilly in the cold, still air. It made me jump. The stands erupted with cheers and applause. The champions all dived into the water, apart from Harry, who was practically pushed in by Moody.

We couldn't even see what was really happening during these challenges. We all just had to anxiously watch. I say that, my eyes were fixed on the icy water, I didn't dare draw my attention to something else... or someone..

"Aww is this a date?" I heard that bloody voice say.

Draco took a seat the other side of me, and Oliver just shook his head at the pettiness from this boy.

"Enjoying the show?" Draco said sarcastically.

"Shut up Draco!" I said nudging his side.

He inched closer to me as it got colder, I wasn't complaining because it did make me feel a little warmer but it was weird because if he moved any closer he'd be practically sat on my lap.
I don't know why I didn't think of it soon, to move away from Draco, I moved in closer to Oliver, linking my arm with his.
Draco looked at me giving me a dirty look, I just smirked at his jealousy.

This hour felt a lot longer, I started to become impatient with anxiety. When suddenly Cedric came up with Cho, people helped them get back up and dried, towels being handed out. Shortly after Fleur came up but she didn't have her sister with her. I watched her as she anxiously stood on the side, wrapped in a towel.
There was only Harry and Krum left. Speaking of the devil Krum came up with... Hermione!
I stood up and ran down to the edge, helping her up, passing her a towel, so that's where she was!

"Are you alright?" I asked her, giving her a hug.

She nodded wrapping the towel around herself to keep warm.
The hour was almost up and still no sign of Harry, everyone was on their toes waiting.
I stayed down near the edge so I could help him when he comes back up.
As the clock strikes, Ron and Fleurs sister rose in the water and began to swim for the exit. But where was Harry?
All the stands were silent, and suddenly Harry broke surface of the water. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and grabbed towels, for him for when he reached us.
The crowds were so loud, shouting and screaming, and everyone seemed to be on their feet.
Cedric came first, Krum came third and Fleur came fourth and Harry, even tho he was last, came second as he saved both Ron and Gabriella.

"Of course Potter, comes second, even though he was last!" Draco spat.

It was the third and final challenge.
The quidditch pitch was now completely unrecognisable. A twenty-foot-high hedge ran all the way around he edge of it. There was a gap in front of the champions, the entrance to the vast maze. The passage beyond it looked dark and creepy.
The stands began to fill more and more, I was again sat with Oliver and, of course, the one obsessed with me sat with us too.

"Isn't this lovely!" sniggered Draco, cheerfully.

At this point, me and Oliver excepted Draco following us around and just ignored him.

Professor McGonagall explained the maze to the champions. Within seconds, Bagman gave a short blast on his whistle and Harry and Cedric hurried into the maze followed by Krum and Fleur after two more blows of the whistle.
Once again, us all in the stands couldn't really see what was going on, we all just had to watch the maze.

After ages of waiting, suddenly Harry slammed to the floor with Cedric, the crowd cheered loudly and music started playing, but something was wrong...
Cedric was dead! Harry was crying and clutching onto Cedric's body.

"He's back!" Harry cried. "Voldemort's back!"

I held my hand over my mouth to muffle my cry, but then people around me, instantly turned to me when Harry said he was back.

I tried to run down to see Cedric but someone stopped me by grabbing my arm. I turned to be met with Draco.

"Y/N... don't." He said sternly.

"But he's dead, Draco!" I cried, not caring about the countless tears running down my face.

"Harry said Voldemort's back! If you go down there, people are going to target you, we must get out of here!" Draco said urgently wrapping his arm around my waist.

He led me out, to the astronomy tower, where I cried in his arms. I didn't speak but I had many questions running through my head. Will people blame me? Is it my fault? They're all going to hate me.

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