Part 32

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As we quietly led there, Draco began to kiss my neck, he moved his hands to my arse and tightly gripped it. He flipped us over so he was on top of me. He moved down my body, and began to pull up my dress which I took off myself. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the floor to join my dress. He started leaving kissed, down my stomach to the hem of my pants, he slowly pulled them down with his teeth, keeping eye contact with me the whole time. He began to kiss my sensitive area, teasing me. I arched my back at the sudden contact. As he kissed my folds, I tangled my hands in his hair, pushing him closer in between my thighs, which he was tightly gripping, definitely leaving bruises. I loudly moaned his name, tightening my grip in his hair as he pushed his tongue inside and began twirling it. I felt the knot in my stomach tighten, but Draco suddenly stopped causing me to pout. He smirked at my reaction. He undid his trousers and took them off with his pants, and without a warning he slipped his full length inside of me.

"Draco!" I gasped and moaned.

He placed his one hand around my neck, he held tightly, but not too tight that I could breath at all. He began to groan in sync with each thrust. He leaned down so his chest was pressed against mine.

"You're so hot Y/N." He moaned in my ear.

I could only moan in response as he felt deeper in me. I placed my hands on his back and held him as he trusted in and out of me. I scratched his back in pleasure, not thinking about the red marks I'd be leaving. The knot in my stomach tighten to its max, and it let I go with a loud moan of Draco's name as I came around him. His thrust became sloppy so I knew he was close, he pulled out and I quickly moved taking all of him in my mouth, within seconds he came in my mouth, which I swallowed. He pulled me back up towards him and kissed me.

"Good girl." He smirked against my lips.

"Y/N!" I heard my mother call.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Y/N! Your fath- the dark Lord wants to see you." She called.

I looked at Draco confused and he just shrugged his shoulders.
Grabbing my pants off the floor and slipping them back on, I went to Draco's wardrobe to look for a shirt, I pulled his quidditch jumper over my head, it was long enough, came down to my mid thigh. While I was getting back dressed, Draco was as well.

"Do you want me to go down with you?" Draco asked, he seemed a little tense.

I could tell he was scared of Voldemort but i wasn't, of course I didn't want to do any of this and I didn't love seeing the people die, but Voldemort doesn't scare me.

"Okay." I smiled.

We both walked downstairs and were met with my mum, who looked me up and down, giving me a dirty look.

"Ah Y/N, I hope you've been doing the Riddle name well." Voldemort said as he walked in.

My mother gave me a sickly smile, I don't know why she looks so disgusted with me.

"Of course, father? Or do I call you 'my Lord' ?" I casually asked.

"Always call me, 'my Lord'" He sternly said.

I didn't say anything but mentally was rolling my eyes, so much for being my father, my mother was still sending me glares, she'll probably tell me "how dare you speak to the dark Lord like that!?" Oh please. I don't want to call him that! Who calls their own father "my Lord"?

"We need to get you two married." Voldemort said, pointing at me and Draco, using his wand.

I turned to look back up at Draco who was looking down at me with a shocked expression.

"Me and him? Why?" I asked, turning back to Voldemort.

"To join the families together of course." He calmly said before walking away.

My mother followed him, I could tell she was scared of him too. Once they had both gone, I turned to look at Draco.

"I wouldn't want to marry you either!" He spat before storming back upstairs.

I sighed and followed him up to his room.

"You don't want to marry me?" I shouted, closing his bedroom door behind him.

"You'll be getting married to Harry anyway." Draco scoffed.

"Harry!? I mean if I could marry any of them it'd be Fred." I smiled.

Draco stared at me.

"You'd marry Fred Weasley!?" He snapped.

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him on the bed.

"Wait until your boyfriend Weasley, finds out you've cheated on him by sleeping with me." Draco smirked.

"Ahh and wait until your girlfriend Parkinson, finds out you've cheated on her by sleeping with me." I mocked.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Draco spat.

"And Fred isn't my boyfriend! And Fred is amazing and all but he isn't my true love." I smiled.

"Who is your true love?" Draco asked, leaning closer to me.

"I'm not telling you that!" I smirked.

"Why not?" Draco pouted.

I didn't reply and just left and went back to my room, not caring about the fact my clothes were still in his room.

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