Part 4

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As we all arrived at Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, Professor Lupin wasn't here. We all sat down, and got out our books, quills and parchment. Obviously I was sat next to Malfoy. We were all talking amongst our selfs Lupin walked in.

"Good afternoon." he said "Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson you will only need your wands."

The class exchanged curious looks. While I sighed that I had to do everything for Malfoy's. It was obvious he loved me as his bloody servant, he knew it was annoying me.

We followed Professor Lupin out of the class, we walked down corridors which felt like forever. Until we stopped outside the staff room door.

Professor Lupin invited us inside the room, it was a long panelled room full of old, mis-matched chairs, was empty except for one teacher, Professor Snape was sitting in a low arm chair. He watched as we filled the class.

"Leave it open, Lupin. I'd rather not witness this." Snape said as he got to his feet and strode past the class, his black robes billowing behind him.

"Now then," said Professor Lupin, beckoning the class towards the end of the room, where there was nothing except an old wardrobe in which the teachers kept their spare robes.

"Are we dressing up as teachers?" I laughed to Malfoy who let out air from his nose.

We all stood, staring at the wardrobe, awkwardly like we had missed a joke or something. Suddenly the wardrobe began wobbling and banging off the wall. A few students jumped back in alarm.

"Nothing to worry about, it's just a Boggart." Professor Lupin said calmly.

He began to talk about the Boggart but I had lost interest, I already know what a Boggart is.
I looked down at my hands and began fiddling with them.

"Riddle, Riddle!" Malfoy whispered, nudging me in the waist.

"What!" I spat at him in a whisper.

I put my attention back on to the class.

"So the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a Boggart?" Professor Lupin asked the class.

He's only saying this now? What has he been rambling on about for the last 3 minutes?
Hermione's hand shot right up. From what I've seen in class, she is really smart, and determined to do well in school.

Hermione explained to the class that a Boggart is a shape-shifter and takes form of what scares us the most. I wondered what my Boggart would be.

"We will practice the charm without wands first. After me, please... riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" Said the class together.

"This class is ridiculous." Malfoy said under his breath, causing me to snigger.

Neville was chosen to have ago at the Boggart first. Turns out his biggest fear is Professor Snape.
I watched and listened closely as Professor Lupin told Neville to think of what his grandmother wears.

The wardrobe burst open and Professor Snape stepped out, his eyes flashing at Neville.

"R-riddikulus!" Neville shouted, pointing his wand.

Snape outfit suddenly changed into a long dress and a massive hat, while holding a crimson handbag.
The whole class laughed and began to form a line to go next.
It was kind of fascinating seeing what everyone's fears were, but I suppose it makes them vulnerable now the whole class knows their biggest fear.

It was Harry's turn next, what would his biggest fear be? What if it's my dad? What if suddenly my bloody father appears in front of us? Well I know it's not actually him, it's a Boggart but still. I nervously shifted where I was stood and Malfoy must've noticed that I had stopped laughing.

"What wrong with you? Are you scared!?" Teased Malfoy.

"Shut up Malfoy, we all know that your Boggart is your father!" I teased back, now facing him.

"Says you! Your Boggart will be your father!" Laughed Malfoy.

Suddenly our bickering was brought to a halt when a Dementor appeared in front of Harry.
Frankly I was glad his Boggart wasn't my dad.

Professor Lupin jumped in front of Harry and the Dementor became a small, floating, white orb.

"Right Uh.. class dismissed. Homework is to summarise a Boggart." Professor Lupin announced.

Some of the students who didn't get to see their Boggart sighed in disappointment. I'm glad I didn't have to do mine, I didn't wanna look weak and be vulnerable to the class.

"Potter always ruins it!" Malfoy stropped.

I rolled my eyes at him, honestly he's like a little kid!

"Oi Riddle!" A familiar voice shouted from behind me.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face the voice.

"You just can't get enough of me, Malfoy." I laughed.

"Shut up! Anyways, are you coming to Hogsmeade?" Malfoy asked hopefully.

"Of course I am." I replied.

Just across from us, me and Malfoy overheard a conversation between Professor McGonagall and Harry. It turns out he wouldn't becoming to Hogsmeade as his aunt and uncle are muggles and didn't sign the form. I did feel bad for him, but what could I do? 

"Aw poor Potter, can't come to Hogsmeade is it?" Malfoy laughed at Harry. "Well we'll have a great time without you." Malfoy slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"Leave him alone, Malfoy!" I shouted and moved away from him.

Malfoy looked at me in disgust before storming off with Crabbe and Goyle.
I rolled my eyes at the petty boy, and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I'm sorry you can't come to Hogsmeade." I said sympathetically to Harry.

"It's fine." He said giving a light smile.

"There's always the Halloween feast!" Ron chimed in, joining us with Hermione.

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