Part 19

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People were staring to believe Voldemort is actually back, of course they were still a little unsure, they didn't want to believe it.
I had to look intimidating for the people who glared at me in the corridors, I'd stare at them back and smirk. Draco would roll his eyes at me and tell me to ignore the people.
Hermione and Ron are trying to make Harry believe I'm not part of whatever Voldemort is doing but he definitely still has the feeling I am, which is annoying but Draco is loving it, he loves that I'm not hanging out with them much anymore.
Well that's what Draco thinks, I've been speaking to Hermione and Ron a lot actually, Harry is teaching some students how to defend themselves, as Umbridge won't. But obviously they have to do this in secret, or who knows what punishment Umbridge will give them all. I have been offered to join the group but I explained to Ron, I already know how to defend myself and it would be really suspicious if I'm away from Draco a lot, and knowing Draco if he found out about what's going on, he would definitely snitch to Umbridge. I also think some of the others who are there learning don't actually want me there because of Voldemort being my dad, they believe I'll tell him or something. Basically they think I'm a spy for Voldemort and that's why I've come to this school.
I found out Draco has been on Umbridges side, I didn't want to say anything to him about it because I know he will question me and probably use me to find out what Harry is doing.

"I'm getting extra credit!" Draco smiled as he walked up to me.

"How?" I asked, unbothered, I wasn't really bothered about exams.

"I'm part of Umbridges Inquisitorial Squad!" Draco smiled proudly.

I can't believe him! He's working for Umbridge to try and find out what Harry is doing. I didn't want to mention any of this to Draco and I didn't want him to suspect anything.

"You're really going to support Umbridge after what she did to me?" I asked, pretending to be sad.

Draco's face dropped, he looked a little sad for a spilt second.

"No!! Of course not, it's just for the extra credit and to find out what Potter is doing!" Draco smirked.

"Forget it Draco." I said, storming away, pretending I was really upset, in reality I just didn't want Draco to question me.

I watched everyday as Draco and the rest of the Inquisitorial Squad, try so hard to uncover what Harry was doing. I tried to stay back so I could inform Hermione about what they were doing.
It was all going so well until one day...
I heard loud footsteps in the corridor, I turned the corner to see Filch, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle running for a door that was disappearing. I silently watched from round the corner as they failed to reach the door, and all fell flat on floor.
I laughed, quickly putting my hand to my mouth to try muffle my laughter, but it was no use. They all turned to look at me, and Draco got off his feet and began to run towards me.

I began to run as well, my heart practically beating out of my chest, I didn't know where to go! I ran straight to the astronomy tower, I thought I could lose Draco.
At the top of the astronomy stairs I stopped for a few seconds to catch my breath, biggest mistake.
Suddenly a hand was wrapped around my neck, pinning me to the cold, hard wall.
I kept my eyes closed, thinking this was the end. I slowly opened my eyes to look up at a very angry looking Draco. I tried to gulp but it was a a little hard to with Draco's hand wrapped tightly around my neck.
I looked down at the floor.

"Look at me." Whispered Draco, through gritted teeth.

The tension right now, Draco's face was itches away from mine, his hand tightly wrapped around my neck, pinning me to the wall...
I was blushing so hard, I swear my cheeks were on fire.

"You're part of it aren't you, you're working with Potter!" Draco spat.

I didn't know what to say. I bit my lip trying to think, but I could not thinking about Harry... my mind was wandering to Draco, different things...
It was like Draco could tell I was thinking.

"What? Spit it out!" He shouted now getting impatient.

Thank god he couldn't read my mind because the stuff I was thinking right now.
My ego got the best of me, my next move could go ether really good or really bad...
I smacked my lips onto his, taking him by surprise, just as he was about to kiss back, I moved to kissing neck. A light move escaped his lips. I smirked against his neck at the dominance I currently had over him, but that didn't last long. He tightened the grip around my neck even more, causing me to gasp, which he used to an advantage and took over, roughly kissing me on the mouth. He began to suck at the sweet spot on my neck, definitely leaving bruises.
I dropped my robe to the floor and began to undo Draco's top buttons of his shirt, I really should've taken his tie off first.
He pulled off my tie, shoving it in his pocket, while he undid the top buttons of my shirt, he began to leave hickeys across my collar bone.

"Students should be in lessons!" We heard someone about, from the stairs.

I grabbed my robe from the floor and me and Draco, quickly ran downstairs past Filch, who hopefully didn't notice who we were.
Me and Draco ran laughing into our lesson, both late.
Umbridge and the whole class turned to look at us as we entered. Jaws dropped and Umbridge looked like she was going to explode.
I heard Ron laugh, and then me and Draco realised what we looked like, only the top couple of buttons of our shirts were undone so it's not like we were exposing ourselves but it was obvious what had happened between us. I couldn't help but laugh as we took our seats and Draco passed me my tie from his pocket.
We awkwardly did up our shirts as tided ourselves up, while Umbridge gave us glares, and the students looked over at us in disbelief.
Me and Draco did find it funny, we were like little girls giggling at the back of the class.
I knew none of the students would say anything to us as they were definitely scared of me and Draco, but Hermione, Ron and Harry would definitely say something to me about it.

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