Part 18

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Draco walked me to the detention, I was also meeting Harry outside so we could go in together.

"I'll wait for you here." Draco smiled, then turned to Harry, giving him a dirty look.

We walked into a very pink room, with cats covering the walls.

"You will be writing lines for me." Umbridge said as we sat down

She handed us her special quills as she calls them and told us to write 'I must not tell lies.'

Me and Harry didn't think much of it and just started writing in silence when suddenly my hand started burning, I looked over at Harry, who defiantly felt the same as me. As I began the second line I looked at my hand and what I was writing was being cut, deeply into my skin. I looked over at Harry again, who had it as well.

"Is everything alright?" Umbridge came over to us smiling.

"Yes." I spat at her.

"Good, now you understand you deserve to punished, Mr Potter and- sorry I didn't quite catch your name?" she said directed to me.

"Y/N Riddle." I said, giving her a dirty look.

Suddenly her eyes widened at the realisation of who I was.

"You both can go now." she said quickly.

"How was that?" Draco asked me as I slammed her door behind me.

I held my cut hand and winced in pain as I had accidentally touched it. Draco's face dropped and he looked at me with concern.

"Are you okay? What's wrong with your hand?" He asked, taking both my hands in his.

I moved my other hand to reveal what was cut into my hand, a drop of blood now running down my arm. Draco looked at my hand, shocked, he stroked his fingers around the cut area before looking back up at me.

"She did this to you?" He whispered.

"She made us write lines with her 'special quill' and said to do it until we got the message, then what we were writing cut into our hands." I explained.

"wow, a bit medieval!" Draco said taking a deep breath.

He held my other hand as we began to walk together to our next class. He stood really close to me as we walked, I think he didn't want people knowing that we were holding hands.

I was walking with Ron, Hermione and Harry when we heard some sudden commotion in the corridor, many other students were gathering to see what was going on as well.
It was Professor McGonagall and Umbridge, arguing about something.
Draco came over and stood next to me .

"I think it's about what she did to your hand." He said, pointing at my hand, which he was now holding again.

Hermione glanced down at our hands then back up at me, I just shrugged my shoulders to her and acted confused.

" silly of me but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." Umbridge chirped.

"Not at all, Dolores. Merely your medieval methods." Professor McGonagall said.

"I am sorry dear, but to question my practices is to question the ministry and by extension, the minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." Umbridge smiled.

Professor McGonagall took a step down, "Disloyalty?"

Umbridge took a couple steps up. "Things a Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." Umbridge finished.

Many students gathered to see what educational decree Umbridge had put up, but I was going to ignore them, I'm not following her bloody rules after what she did to me.
Everyday there seems to be more and more up there, she's acting like she runs the place!
She patrols every class, watching the teachers, and asking them questions, it's disrupting our classes if you ask me.
She was questioning Snape about him trying to become the Dark Arts teacher, which Ron was sniggering at. As soon Umbridge left, Snape smacked Ron on the head with his book -as he usually does- which was quite funny.

All students gathered to watch as Umbridge tried to fire Professor Trelawney, who was crying in Professor McGonagall's arms until Dumbledore came out.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybill back inside." He said.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you, that under the terms of education decree number 23 as an act of by the minister-" Umbridge begins.

Dumbledore cuts her off "you have the right to dismiss my teachers, you do not have the authority to banish them from the castle."

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