Part 6

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I didn't fancy going to the Halloween feast tonight. I stayed in my dorm until all the other students had left then I would go sit in the common room.

I looked around the corridors, it was quiet.
I grabbed a book and sat down on the sofa and began to read, just as I did, I was interrupted.

"Why aren't you in the great hall?" Malfoy asked leaning over the back of the sofa to look at me.

"I could ask you the same question." I sighed, not looking up from my book.

"Actually I'm going now." I could practically hear him smirk. "Care to join me?"

"No I don't. I'm not going." I said still looking at my book.

Malfoy didn't say anything else but I listened to his footsteps as he left.

"Miss Riddle." Professor Snape called from behind me.

I got up, knowing Malfoy had snitched, now I have to go to the feast.
Sheepishly I followed behind Professor Snape, both of us silent.

"Saved you a seat, Riddle!" Malfoy shouted as I entered the great hall.

I sat down across from him.

"Aw so you changed your mind." Malfoy smirked.

My facial expressions didn't change I just sent him a dirty look.
I really wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat much, of course Malfoy had to call me out on it.

"Not eating anything, Riddle?" He questioned, his face looked concerned but his voice sounded sarcastic.

I rolled my eyes at him, not wanting to talk to him still.

Pansy came over and sat next to Malfoy.

"Aw have you and your girlfriend had a falling out Draco?" Pansy cooed.

I instantly got up and left, there was a empty space at the Gryffindor table by Harry so I went to sit there.

"I'm bloody fed up of Malfoy!" I huffed as I sat down.

"Seems to me he's obsessed with you!" Ron said and lightly pointed behind me to where Malfoy was sitting.

We all turned to look, not obvious at all!
But he was just staring at me, not giving me a dirty look or anything, just staring...
Hermoine explained to Harry that Malfoy was giving me a hard time at Hogsmeade.

"Maybe he's jealous." Suggested Harry.

"Oh yeah, 100% he is definitely jealous." I agreed and so did the others.

"Maybe he likes you." George winked at me.

"No, he said he would never date me." I paused for a moment thinking about how he had kissed me. "he did kiss me.."

"WHAT?" Everyone said all at once.

"It didn't mean anything though, he did it too keep Parkinson away."

"Still!" Fred raised his eyebrows at me.

Everyone was silent, waiting for me to agree or something.

"Come on, it's Malfoy, he has no feelings." Harry laughed which I quickly agreed to.

"Even if he did like me, it would be fake to please his father." I laughed "Such a Daddy's Boy."

The sudden tap on my shoulder startled us all, we turned to see Malfoy stood behind me, towering over me.

"You're the Daddy's Girl." Malfoy spat in my ear before walking away with Crabbe and Goyle of course.

I went to stand up to retaliate but Fred put his hand on my shoulder, sitting me back down. Everyone told me he isn't worth it and that I shouldn't let him get to me.

I walked back to the common room by myself after parting ways with the Golden Trio and the Weasley Twins. As I walked in Malfoy was sat on the sofa, his back to me so I hoped I could sneak past him and go straight to my dorm without him trying to start on me again.

"Aw if it isn't Daddy's Girl." Smirked Malfoy.

I ignored him and kept making my way to my dorm.

"Don't ignore me." Malfoy called standing up now.

I ran through the corridor to my dorm room, I wasn't scared of him, I just couldn't be arsed for him right now, and he can't follow me into the girls dorm anyway. I've decided I'll avoid him from now on.

Draco's POV

I watched her as she ran to her room, ha she's scared of me. See I'm not weak around her and I definitely don't have feelings for her, she's a nasty piece of work and a blood traitor, hanging round with Potter, the mudblood and the Weasley. She's a Slytherin, a Riddle! She should be hanging around with me as we're both from superior families. My father said I should be friends with her and my mother said I should look out for her because people might dislike her for being he who must not be named daughter, but they don't know how rude and egotistical she is. Maybe me and her are too alike...

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