Part 31

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I sighed as I put the last of my things in my room at the Malfoy Manor, it was weird I had to live here now, but so did my mum, so I guess I still had her. She doesn't even act like my mother though. I didn't want to do any of this, I'm tired of it all. We were called for 'dinner' we all know this isn't dinner. I sheepishly walked downstairs and took my seat at the table next to Draco. Voldemort was sat at the end of the table, I didn't look up from lap. Shortly after Snape walked in.

"Severus, I was beginning to worry you'd lost your way. Come, we have saved you a seat" Voldemort said, turning to look at him.

Snape didn't say anything and just took his seat. I could tell he was on edge, just like a few others in this room.

"You bring news, I trust." Voldemort said directly to Snape.

"It will happen next Saturday. At nightfall." Snape answered quickly.

"I've heard differently my lord. Dawlish, the auror has let slip that the Potter boy will not be moved until the 30th of this month. The day before he turns 17" Said one of the death eaters.

I looked over at him, I didn't know him, frankly I didn't know anyone else in who was this room except a few, the Malfoys, Snape, Bellatrix and of course my own parents. Besides the point I'm supposed to trust all these other death eaters?
Apparently I had been thinking for a long time and missed all the context of this previous conversation as Bellatrix suddenly spoke up.

"My lord, I'd like to volunteer myself for this task. I want to kill the boy" Bellatrix sweetly said.

A screamed came from the end of the table, we all shot a look towards the sound.

"Wormtail! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest quiet?" Shouted Voldemort.

"Yes, my lord. Right away, my lord." Wormtail spoke.

"As inspiring as I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix. I must be the one to kill Harry Potter." Proudly, Voldemort said.

He stood up and began to walk around the table, looking down at us all.

"But I face an unfortunate complication. My wand and the Potters share the same core. They are, someways, twins. We can wound but not fatally harm one another. If I am to kill him I must do it with another's wand. Well, surely one of you would like the honour." He spoke as he slowly paced around the table.

He stopped at Lucius. "What about you, Lucius?"

"My lord?" Lucius whispered.

"My Lord?" Voldemort mocked. "I require your wand."

I leaned over to watch as Lucius passed Voldemort his wand.

"Do I detect elm?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"And the core?"

"Dragon heartstring my lord"

"Dragon heartstringt?" Voldemort walked away from Lucius. "To those of you who do not know we are joined here tonight by Miss Charity Burbage..."

Voldemort brought her closer to us all, I felt Draco become uneasy. I grabbed his hand under the table and moved it to resting on my thigh.

"... who until recently taught
at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry." Voldemort continued.

He went on about her Muggle studies but at this point I had stopped listening, I stared down at my hand that was on top of Draco's on my thigh. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Professor Burbage dropping dead on the table, right in front of us. Draco tensed up even more, that he squeezed my thigh, making me jump slightly.

"Nagini. Dinner." Voldemort said, evilly.

I walk into Draco's room and see him sat on his bed just staring at the ceiling.

"Draco." I whispered, taking a seat in front of him.

I moved so I was led down next to him, he wrapped his hands around my waist, and rested his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

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