Part 36

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They'll be at Hogwarts now, Voldemort and all the death eaters. While me and Draco are still here, we're meant to go to Hogwarts as well and get Draco's wand, and lead him to Voldemort or something. Frankly I'd rather we go get Draco's wand, have a nice quick catch up with Harry, Hermione and Ron then me and Draco leave and go somewhere else, and not be part of the death eaters but nooo Draco is too scared to disobey, even though I keep reassuring him.

I look at myself in the mirror, straightening out my long black dress, I say dress, it's like a bloody ball gown. We're expected to dress smart all the time so.
I'm interrupted by Draco coming into my room. I look him up and down, he's wearing a full black suit, literally everything black. We look like we're getting married and having a gothic wedding. I chuckle to myself about the thought and Draco just looks at my confused.

"Come on." He says holding out his hand. "We're going to Hogwarts."

I sigh loudly so he can see I don't want to before taking his hand.

We apparate to the Slytherin common room, I look around and realise how much I miss this place.

"Come on!" Draco spits as he tightens his grip around my hand and starts running.

We hear a lot of shouting coming from the dungeons. I look at Draco, hinting at that we should go check it out, to my surprise he agrees.
We run to see, Pansy slamming on the bars, Blaise and Goyle next to her, and all the Slytherin house behind her. I can't believe they'd been locked in the dungeons while a war happens. Before I could say anything, Draco casts a spell, blowing up the gates and letting them all free. Pansy runs up to Draco, kissing him on the lips. I stare at them both in disgust.
He pushes her off him and grabs Blaise and Goyle and heads the opposite way.

"We need to find Potter and get my wand back." Draco explains to them both before letting them go.

They accept and we headed to the room of requirements.
We managed to sneak in, as we crept past the vanish cabinet I sighed, thinking of the damage it caused.
We spot Harry, looking at something, it must be the the horcurx.

Blaise, Goyle and Draco point their wands towards Harry, I held mine in my hand just in case.

"Well, well... what brings you here, Potter?" Draco spat, causing Harry to look up in our direction.

"I could ask you the same." Said Harry, who began to slowly walk a little closer.

"You have something of mine. I'd like it back." Draco simple said.

"What's wrong with the wand you have?" Harry asked.

"It's his mother's." I spoke up with a bored tone.

Harry darted his eyes to look at me, he furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed I wasn't pointing my wand at him, like the rest.

"It's powerful... but its not the same." Draco said twisting the wand slightly in his hand. "Doesn't quite understand me. Know what I mean?"

"Right, can we just get the wand and go?" I said impatiently.

Goyle nudged me in the side. "We're taking him to the dark Lord remember!" He said through gritted teeth.

"No, I've decided we're just getting the wand." I spat in Goyle's face.

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix." Harry asked.

I noticed Draco soften, his face looked like he was going to cry again and he began shaking a little.

"You knew it was me. You didn't say anything." Harry calmly said.

Draco stood silently for a moment, I locked eyes with Harry and gave a small smile which he gave back. It felt like a lot of weight off my shoulders.

Suddenly Goyle closed in on Draco.

"Come on, Draco! Don't be a prat. Do it!" Whispered to Draco, egging him on.

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione shouts and Narcissa's wand goes flying out of Draco's hands.

I look to see where Hermione is, but then out of nowhere, Draco grabs my arm, pulling me towards him as they all run.
Except Goyle, who's taking this very seriously and is shouting spells to Hermione before he starts running.

Suddenly I heard a shout from behind us.

"That's my girlfriend you numpty!" Ron shouts.

I smile realising they finally got together!

We keep running when suddenly Goyle casts a spell summoning a massive fire snake, setting everything it touches on fire. Ron starts to run back to Harry and Hermione, I hear him screaming and shouting.

"Goyle set the bloody place on fire!" He shouts.

We begin to run back, while Goyle waves his wand around. He can't even control the bloody spell! Everything is burning around us, and furniture is beginning to fall.
Draco grabs me and Blaise and we being to climb up the furniture that isn't burning... yet.

I climb up first, with Draco just behind me and Blaise behind him. I stop for a moment to look down and see Goyle still stood at the bottom waving his wand. There is definitely more than one fire creature in here now.

"Goyle!" I scream, for him to start climbing.

Draco places a firm hand on my arse and pushes me up more. I blush at his actions but know it's not like that...

A sudden scream from behind us, causes me, Draco and Blaise to stop and look. We watched as Goyle fell into the flames. There was nothing we could do. I watched Draco as he tensed up, but we had to keep on climbing.

Me, Draco and Blaise stood on top of a table, when we saw Harry, Ron and Hermione go past on brooms. Suddenly the table dropped down as we were all left hanging.

Draco removed one of his hands from supporting himself, and once again placed it on my arse to push me up higher up, making sure I didn't fall.

Harry then flew over us, and Draco, removed his hand from my arse, to reach up to Harry but missed. I didn't even drop a little when Draco took his hand off me, I swear he just wanted and excuse to touch my arse.

Harry, Ron and Hermione came back around, Harry grabbed Draco, Ron grabbed Blaise and Hermione grabbed me.

"Thank you Hermione." I smiled, holding tight onto her waist so I wouldn't fall.

We all crashed out of the room of requirement onto the floor.

"Thank you guys!" I said out of breath.

But before I could say anymore, Draco dragged me up by my hand and began to run, with Blaise next to us. I watched as Draco looked back at Harry.

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